Rebecca “Betty” (1871-1939) was born on Poplar Hill in Jefferson County, MS. Wallace Jones and Rebecca were married on 28 Dec 1910 in Hinds County, MS. Rebecca was trained as a teacher of teachers sometime during the 1920’s she went to work for the Rosenwald Fund. Mr. Jones was a Minister of the Gospel. He traveled the entire State of Mississippi from mission to mission. Rebecca died in Feb 1939 because of the occupation of Wallace as a minister and its demands their only child, Eva Hunter (her middle name) was sent away to a private school. …show more content…
The 1880 United States Census she is living with her parents and going to school. It is thought that Ellen died of yellow fever in the 1898 epidemic.
Easter/Esther (1875-?) twelfth child of Delaney and Easter attended school as a child and like the other children she worked in the fields of Poplar Hill. Her father’s last will and testament saw to the support of his daughter “Esther Jackson, all that portion of my place on the right hand of the bridge containing 26 acres more or less, and should she marry and die without issue, then her said portion of the estate is to devert to the heirs herein already provided for, who have