Sarah’s attitude was very tomboy-ish and mischievous, but she was kind and gentle to her brother. In order to impress her father, she dressed and acted like a boy. Despite of this, her father treated her badly and had frequent rages. Eventually, his treatment was so abusive, Sarah fled her home, aided by her mother. She cut her hair short, dressed herself in men’s clothing every day, and changed her name to Franklin Thompson. In November of 1859, she walked to the United States, and only stopped when she reached Flint, Michigan. She was there when the Civil War started. In Flint, Michigan Sarah Emma Edmonds did what was for most women impossible. When President Lincoln called for seventy-five thousand troops to aid the Union in defeating the Rebels, Edmonds enlisted as Frank Thompson. At age 21, she was accepted as a nurse in the second Michigan infantry. The first couple months were nerve racking to “Thompson”, as she had to train along with the other soldiers, despite being a non-combatant. While working as a nurse in Virginia, Edmonds fell in love with a fellow nurse, by the name of Jerome Robbins. She revealed her identity to him, but he was shocked and turned her down. Another of Edmonds’s
Sarah’s attitude was very tomboy-ish and mischievous, but she was kind and gentle to her brother. In order to impress her father, she dressed and acted like a boy. Despite of this, her father treated her badly and had frequent rages. Eventually, his treatment was so abusive, Sarah fled her home, aided by her mother. She cut her hair short, dressed herself in men’s clothing every day, and changed her name to Franklin Thompson. In November of 1859, she walked to the United States, and only stopped when she reached Flint, Michigan. She was there when the Civil War started. In Flint, Michigan Sarah Emma Edmonds did what was for most women impossible. When President Lincoln called for seventy-five thousand troops to aid the Union in defeating the Rebels, Edmonds enlisted as Frank Thompson. At age 21, she was accepted as a nurse in the second Michigan infantry. The first couple months were nerve racking to “Thompson”, as she had to train along with the other soldiers, despite being a non-combatant. While working as a nurse in Virginia, Edmonds fell in love with a fellow nurse, by the name of Jerome Robbins. She revealed her identity to him, but he was shocked and turned her down. Another of Edmonds’s