Laurie Halse Anderson's Fever 1793

Improved Essays
Fever 1793 || Fiction Laurie Halse Anderson

Why do you think the author chose the title he/she did? Analyze its deeper meaning. If it is an obvious title, rename it something more symbolic and explain your rationale.

The book “Fever 1793” is written by Laurie Halse Anderson. Anderson chose “Fever 1793” as the title because it told us the story through a girl called Matilda. Matilda is constantly struggling through the deadly epidemic; Yellow fever. When Matilda was invited to a tea party, her mother yelled, “The fever!” (Anderson 53). Consequently, Colette fainted due to overheating. Matilda’s mother rushed over and aided Colette and realize it was the fever. Matilda’s mother realizes it was the fever, due to heaps of people lying on the
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What effect do these images have on the writers' purpose?

A vivid feature in this nonfiction book, is how descriptive the sentenced are in the book. The book consists many detailed sentences about the fever and how to deal with it. A lucid quote in the book, “The skin and eyeballs turned yellow, as red blood cells were destroyed, causing the bile pigment bilirubin to accumulate in the body; nose, gums, and intestines began bleeding; and the patient vomited stale, black blood.”(Murphy 14). The quote illustrates that the patient is suffering from Yellow Fever, being unconscious. Notwithstanding, readers can visual the image, with a detailed sentence. Therefore, visualization is a common feature writer include in their work. With visual sentences included, the reader enjoys the work more, as it increases their creativity. Hereafter, this book incorporates visualization; and how important and the purpose of visualization.

What prior knowledge did you bring to the reading that helped you understand the book? Be sure to choose a specific part of the book to support your
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Granted, I learned most of them from school and the informational field trip in 7th grade. About the deadly epidemic in Philadelphia, and bloodletting. “The various symptoms of yellow fever also called for bloodletting.” (Murphy 59). Already, I knew what was bloodletting, cutting the body to release blood. Many patients that contracted the Yellow Fever, was bled by Benjamin Rush or other physicians, that believed the tactic worked. Rush believed that bloodletting people is an effort to reduce the body from inflammation. Consequently, Dr. Benjamin Rush and other physicians bled too much, leading to the patient fainting, or dying from the bloodletting instead of the fever. But, through Rush and physicians’ eyes, they believe the treatment was working. Overall, knowing prior knowledge before, made the book easier to

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