6.8.). When he was 13 years old, Phillip hired Aristotle to be Alexander’s tutor. This allowed Alexander to have an education in science, mathematics, and philosophy. These teachings would later help him with battle tactics and planing. At the age of 16, Phillip left Alexander in charge of Macedonia while he took his army to battle Thrace. This responsibility showed how Alexander was capable of ruling Macedonia. Also, an army of rebels from Thace attacked Macedonia. Alexander on the other hand gathered an army and fought the rebels off keeping Macedonia safe. Olympias, Alexander’s mother, was a curious character. Because Olympus was not born in Macedonia, Alexander would not …show more content…
6.8.). During Phillip’s invasion into Persia, he was killed by a Macedonian noble. There is no real proof of who was really behind the assassination of Phillip II, but this student believed that Olympias ordered the assassination so that her son, Alexander, would be the ruler of Macedonia. Alexander’s most famous attacks were in the region of Asia Minor. Alexander wanted to rule Asia Minor and he would fight anyone to have it. In 333 B.C., Alexander and the Macedonian army encountered the Persian forces under the command of King Darius III himself at a mountain pass at Issus in northwestern Syria. Alexander’s army was greatly outnumbered by Darius’s army but Alexander’s strategic ability and his phalanx formation got him the win. Darius fled in panic and left his wife and children behind. Alexander although treated Darius’s family with respect and did not harm them. After that battle of Issus, Alexander and his army began taking over major cities in Syria and Phoenicia. He took over all but one city, the city of Tyre. Tyre was and island