There are several hazards within the community. However, with reference to the risks from the environment - air pollution is a huge concern. In Central Florida, apart from the SunRail and Lynx, most of the community members use cars for their means of transportation. With that, it exposes them to perilous agents in air. In fact, it was stated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, that exposure to air pollution can cause numerous effects on human health. World Health Organization (WHO) has identified that with the reduction of pollution air levels it would also cut down the probability of getting a stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, and both chronic and acute respiratory diseases, including asthma. The groups …show more content…
For the first goal, the county envisions that through their programs and projects, the emphasis would be for the safety and security of the concerned group by providing sufficient support and network to promote physical emotional and educational needs. For instance, monitor school delinquencies, binge drinking, substance abuse and alcohol. The county also has increased its attention to the readiness of younger children for school as well as increase FCAT scores, this has been strongly enforced in the public schools and there are effective programs in different areas that would motivate students to learn more and will be expected to be better citizens in the …show more content…
The county is committed to Caring for the health of the community by providing more access to affordable and quality services, treatment, prevention and support. In addition, their recreational activities help the members in the community engage in leisure activities and eventually help them lead a healthy lifestyle. The county is directing all its efforts especially for those with insufficient resources to get hold of comprehensive disease prevention, healthy lifestyles, reduced health disparities and advanced health equity. In fact, the county echoes the vision of Florida Department of Health by becoming the healthiest state in the nation. In order to achieve this, there are several basic essential services provided by the county health department. To name a few, there is a strong Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, Prenatal Services, Dental Health, Public Health Preparedness, Environmental Health, strong school health program, family planning, STD awareness among the lengthy list of programs for its