On October 20, 2017 Patrol Sgt. Aaron Warren responded to Eddie Wyman’s (Complainant) residence at 3983 E Hwy 154 Quitman, TX, to take a offense report for the Burglary of a Habitation. Eddie returned to his residence after being released from the Wood County Jail. When Eddie got to his residence he noticed that his chainsaw was missing from inside his camper and he believes that Jeffrey Burrows had stolen his chainsaw. Jeffrey Burrows lives on the same property as Eddie but in a different residence.
Sgt. Aaron Warren confronted Jeffrey about the chainsaw and Jeffrey stated that Eddie had left it beside a burn pile in the front yard and he picked it up a put it in the shed. Sgt. Warren advised Jeffrey to get the chainsaw and give it back to Eddie, Jeffrey walked over to the shed to get the saw and stated to Sgt. Warren well its not here it must be back here in the woods. Jeffrey then walked into the woods with Sgt. Warren and was still unable to locate the chainsaw. …show more content…
Warren then advised that Jeffrey had been lying to him all morning about the location of the chainsaw. Sgt. Warren then told Jeffrey he was tired of being lied to and to go get the chainsaw and bring it back. Jeffrey then walked back into the woods and a few minutes later come back with the chainsaw in his hand. The chainsaw was returned to Eddie at that