AP Government: A Short Story

Improved Essays
Although some people think success is based purely off of luck, I think that one can be successful through working hard. Working hard played a vital role in my story of how I raised my grade in AP Government. Although it was thought impossible at first, I knew that I could make it a reality because of my hard working personality.
As I typed my Powerschool information in my hands were shaking. It was the end of the semester, and I couldn’t stand the thought of anything below an A. As I scrolled through my grades, I saw the sickening grade of a B in AP government. I knew that I needed to get the grade up, but there were a couple problems. Mr. Nelson didn’t offer any extra credit, and there weren’t enough assignments left to do the job. I had
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I dragged myself out of bed and got ready for school. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where my mom was standing. “Are you okay?” she asked when she saw my sleep deprived face. “Ya, I just didn’t get a lot of sleep last night,” I replied. “I’m sorry you didn’t get very much sleep, but good luck on your test today!” she encouraged. “Thanks,” I half heartedly replied. When I walked into Mr.Nelson’s classroom, he looked at me with a smile and asked,”Are you ready?” ”No,” I tersely replied. When he handed out the test I immediately looked at the essay question and had a glimmer of hope. It was something we had just recently covered in class, and I remembered it perfectly.Then came the multiple choice questions. Although I remembered the information of most of these, there were some that I just couldn’t recall. There were five questions like that, and it just so happened that I couldn’t miss more than five to raise my grade. I did my best and hoped that I would have good luck with my guessing. After turning them in, Mr. Nelson told us that he would have them graded by the next day. When I opened up Powerschool again, I saw a surprising result. My grade in AP Government was an

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