AARP: Nonprofit, Nonpartisan Organizations

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AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. They have a membership of more than 37 million and use their resources to advocate for better healthcare, employment security and retirement planning to provide security, protection and empowerment to older persons in need. They are an affiliated charity foundation who gets their support from thousands of volunteers, donors and sponsors. They have staffed offices in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands providing help to members across these areas. When looking for what they do their website says they believe strongly in the principles of collective purpose, collective voice and the collective power of the 50 and over population to change the market …show more content…
Staying healthy is a top priority of Americans 50-plus. AARP helps by doing research directed for people over the age of 50. For example 500,000 AARP members participated in a study since 1994; the largest in-depth study of diet and cancer ever conducted: the AARP-National Institutes of Health (NIH) Diet and Health Study. AARP-NIH Diet and Health Study provided articles on diet, lifestyle and cancer that were published in scientific journals.
They also help by providing information to those who are in need of it. The AARP Caregiving Resource Center provides solutions and ideas for family caregiving while the online AARP Brain Health Center is chock-full of information that is useful to the aging seniors. They have many programs meant to help people over the age of 50. for example tens of thousands older adults with modest incomes found employment in 2014 through AARP Foundation’s BACK TO WORK 50+ and Senior Community Service Employment
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They want people get the most from every day while making a difference in the lives of others through extensive volunteer opportunities, personal connections, entertainment and Life Reimagined. They do this by holding workshops where people can learn new activities including how to use a iphone. They also encourage communities nationwide to prepare for the rapid aging of the U.S. population by making it easier for people to remain engaged in community life as they age. That means safe, walkable streets; age-friendly housing; and better transportation options.
Part of this involved 20,000 older adults who got help with aging-in-place programs in 2014 through the Foundation’s housing outreach. according to their web site brochure AARP Foundation are seeking longer-term solutions for safe, affordable housing. Another part involves drivers of all ages that learn to stay independent and safe on the road every year through AARP Driver Safety. a half-million people received these courses presented by 4,000 dedicated volunteers, Driver Safety courses are offered in 14

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