Anya walked down the cemented side-walk, her feet trudging through deep snow.
Her paled face was down, as if she thought the snow below was more interesting than what was in front of her. As she continued down the long side-walk, her foot bumped into something. She paused. Anya looked down, and what lay in front of her was a lump. She blinked, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. What was this? It was just a lump of snow. Or at-least she thought so.
She continued to stay frozen in spot. Before crouching down and reaching her gloved hand out.
She hesitated, her hand midway to touching the snow pile. But before she could process anything, a frosty hand clenched …show more content…
She was frozen to the spot. She didn't know if she should continue to try and get out of this mysterious girl's grip or try and help her.
She let her instincts take control. She let out an ear piercing scream before wrenching her wrist from the shivering girl's grasp.
She leaped over the girl and sprinted off, her coat trailing off behind her. Her sides aching in pain after she ran far off. She stopped, panting widely as she glanced around her. After she caught her breath, she let out a strangled noise. Why had she left that girl behind, she was obviously in need.. But she was so scared. Her mind fought over whether or not she should go back and help.
After a long while her mind finally decided to do the right thing and help out that poor girl.
Anya soon made her way back to where the girl had been. The snow seemed to be coming out at a much larger increase. She squinted as she fought against the winds that seemed to come out of nowhere. As she reached the scene, she saw no one. She blinked. She was sure someone had been there.. Where had they gone! She shook her head, thinking that she had just made up the whole scenario. She let out a nervous chuckle to herself, before she headed back to