Isaiah Dialectical Journal

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BOOM. BOOM. CRAAAAACKKKK! The shots rang out in deafening roars, and left thick white smoke in their wake. A cacophony of screams, clashing steel, and cannon fire filled the air, as two ships collided in battle.
One thought screamed inside Isaiah Cartwell's mind. I have to find her. This is our chance, our one chance. Go! Weaving through the swarm of dueling men, Isaiah raced towards his goal. The kitchen, please have stayed in the kitchen. He rushed towards the aft of the ship, to the hatch that led down into the kitchen. To her.
BOOM! The ship lurched, sending Isaiah sprawling onto the blood drenched deck. There was a sickening crack, as his head smacked into the ground. His vision blurred in and out of focus, as the world spun before him.
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But he would have to worry about that later, he had to find her before it was too late. Once more he took off with haste, as he made his way to the ship’s mast; hopeful that with some height, he would be able to spot her location.
His lungs burned in his chest as he began to make his way up the rigging. His arm trembled beneath his weight, stinging and throbbing where it had previously been sliced open. But he did not stop, he wouldn’t let himself. And as he pulled himself up, into the crow’s nest, it took everything he had to stand himself upright; when all he wanted was to collapse onto the floor.
From here he could see the entirety of the ship. Quickly, he began scanning the deck, looking for another sign of her, but it was vain. For in that moment, another cannon shot towards the ship, blasting through the same mast that held Isaiah up. There were several loud cracks, and before he could register what was happening, he felt the ground give out below him. He was free falling down, down towards the opposite ship. Away from everything he had spent the past several months fighting for. Away from her. He felt an overwhelming wave of sorrow. Who will save her now? he thought, just before his world exploded into

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