You have no idea how much I love you, because even if I spent the whole day with you, I started missing you the second you left. Watching you leave has broken my heart but in a way where I can trust you to come back. Be careful there honey, don’t sacrifice for me but if there’s anything happening there, I shall be there in no time. It’s unnecessary that you have to go get the prize for me but if you did, I’d be overwhelmed.
You are so experienced with your job as a highwayman because I wonder if you’ll ever come back, I need you wherever I go. I wonder when you’ll come back bringing the smile and the kiss you always gave to me, the way you make me so secured in your arms under the moonlight. Because I trust you, I’ll be waiting …show more content…
Honey, don’t worry about me, I promise I’ll be there whenever you need me. Once you’re gone, it’s like you’re never coming back because I have feeling where I have to wait for months and years for you to come back. Guests come in and out and it’s my job to make them welcome. I wonder if you ever think of me while I’m away, I wonder if you ever miss me.
What will happen if you rest in peace, I can’t possibly live a life without you because like people say, live a life you will remember. I won’t remember a life without you because you are the flame of life, you opened my eyes to see the moonlight, now if you perish, please remember that I love you with all my heart and I would keep my last breathe to say I Love You, no matter what.
My angel, do you know how much I love you because if you’re able to count the stars then you’ll be able to know how much I love you and how much I don’t want to leave you. Tim is just an ordinary man that lives here, I understand that you may be angry at him but sweetie, I don’t like him nor want to be with him, not for one second. I can tell that he loves me but that makes no difference to our love for each other right? We promised to love each other even when we hate each other and that promise, we must keep