A Bloody Outrage That's What Analysis

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When parent compared the amount of violence currently accessible with the violence viewed when they were children, they would notice violence is more available to view today than in the past. Because of this issue, parents are becoming concerned with what their children are observing. The average American child spends about forty hours per week viewing media; therefore, media has a large affect on how the child will act (Simmons). Since children tend to copy what they observe, over time children believe violent actions are acceptable and are actually entertaining. Even young children are watching cartoons where innocent-looking animals are blowing up their friends with grenades (Ellison 296). These violent shows and video games teach children what they believe is appropriate behavior, and eventually these children will confuse media violence with real violence. Until people can work together to solve these tragic issues, parents must be aware of the innapropriate media and games their child views and should limit the amount of time their child spends viewing violent content. Some people may not believe the idea, but studies have shown that exposure to violence leads to aggression, …show more content…
A Bloody Outrage, That’s What,” Ellison explains her personal experience with the cartoon, Happy Tree Friends, and claims violent cartoons are impacting children’s behavior. One day, Ellison found her six-year-old son watching Happy Tree Friends. At first the cartoon looked innocent as “purple daisies danced, high-pitched voices sang and animals with heart-shaped noses waved cheerily,” but the pleasant cartoon quickly took a turn for the worst. One of the characters suddenly had a psychotic breakdown and began to snap the necks of other characters as blood splattered and grenades exploded. In the author's opinion, Happy Tree Friends is not an appropriate cartoon for children because research has shown that children have the tendency to copy what they

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