So many of our first responders, firefighters and just innocent civilians died that day. It made people think about how they could help our country and a lot of people decided to become our new first responders, firefighters, cops, and join the military to honor those who died. Everyone who passed on 9/11 will always be remembered and never forgotten. There are many 9/11 memorials throughout the United States. The three main 9/11 memorials are in New York City, the field in Pennsylvania, and The Pentagon to honor everyone who died that day at each of these places.…
While discussing the September 11th memorial Pitts precisely points out the deaths of “2,977 people who perished” in the terrorist attack. Presenting the audience with these harsh facts helps them understand why they should not be playing around in areas with such value as it is disrespectful to all the people who lost their lives in the devastating attack. Utilizing these anecdotes in a rational stance assists in creating a clear and effective…
The history of receiving a folded American flag though a small token of gratitude from the United States of America and Congress, helps a grieving family that is going through so much with the loss of a loved one. Traditionally, at every military funeral, the closest loved one of the fallen hero receives a folded American flag that was draped over the casket of the service member on behalf of the United States of America. In 2015, we have seen many deaths in first responders and though there are usually funerals and memorials held for many first responders, Washington found a way to show their gratitude to their service. With the rise of violence here in America, many first responders have been sent to many dangerous situations where…
Monuments are sculptors known to commemorate a person or an event due to their great achievements. They serve to immortalize the past through the use of granite. However, a monument cannot just be made without any considerations in mind. When constructing monuments, it is important to consider the size, materials, location, and purpose in order to cherish those outstanding accomplishments and to adequately respect those that sacrificed for history.…
You have to figure out where you want the monument to be, you have to figure out how it has to look and how big it needs to be, and you have to figure out what you have to use to make it and how it will be memorialized. There is three connections to how the monuments should be done, they are in: Source A, Source E, and Source G. To begin, in order to memorialize with a monument, you have to figure out where it is to be located. In Source A, it says "In this way the monumental core in Washington functions somewhat like a pilgrimage site, where…
There’s only one way to figure these all out, and that’s by going there. The 9/11 Memorial Museum is not only remembered for the that tragic day, but the huge layout of it. There are tissues and doors scattered throughout the building if people get too emotional. Both the Memorial and the Museum cover about eight acres of the original land of the two buildings.…
The whole point of a memorial is to remember something that happened there that affiliated with whatever the monument is representing. The location really does matter. If the location is bad then people are taking away from the moment itself. An example of bad location taking away from the monument is a museum in Washington D. C. "It is not surprising that immediate and intense controversy spotted when plans were publicized to build a Holocaust museum on The Mall in Washington D.C.…
Monuments are meant to be built for the people that did something special that warrants their recognition. Memorials or monuments are usually built for presidents, important people, or heads of a big organization so they can be remembered for years to come. So when building a monument ask these question, who is it for? Why are you building it? What exactly is it there for?…
Few historical events have created a symbol so impacting on the American psyche as the Arizona Memorial. Americans over the last few decades have taken the pilgrimage on the Navy launch taking them there. Let’s review how it happened. Ensign Parker held the Jeep as he bounced around the wet and muddy road to Opana Point, with Captain Smith and Ensign Jones, to reach the Army radar site.…
Monuments are a great way to honor a great person or an important event. Monuments are used all over the place and are marking the history of things. One of my favorite monuments is the Veterans Freedom Flag Monument in Lima, Ohio. Many people think that monuments are pointless but I think they are very meaningful.…
The monument I would create is in Boston, Massachusetts, which is a historically rich city, but I would create a monument to one specific event named the Boston Massacre. This is a significant event in the history of United States, where British troops murdered some Americans after they formed a mob. This partly led up to the Revolutionary War where America fought Britain. This monument would be made of dolomitic marble. It would contain a 20 x 20 replication of Paul Revere’s engraving of the Boston Massacre, and under it an inscription explaining the Boston Massacre.…
Could you ever imagine a world without honoring those who fought for our country, or living without our ancestors milestones from many years ago? What if there was no proof of Christopher Columbus sailing across the ocean, or Johnny Appleseed planting trees. What if there were no memorials? The Vietnam Veterans Wall, memorializes the sacrifice that normal everyday people gave to protect our great world.…
September 11 is a federally recognized National Day of Service and Remembrance. Observe the day by joining in a ceremony to mark the 16th anniversary of lives lost and lives forever changed. The event at the All Wars Memorial in Oak Hill Park will feature 200 Scouts, the Monte Vista High School Choir, a Fire and Police Honor Guard, a white wing dove release and other tributes. Wounded Navy Corpsman and local Sentinel Derek McGinnis, author of Exit Wounds, is this year’s keynote speaker.…
On the morning of September 11, 2001, the Islamic terrorist group Al-Qaeda conducted a suicide attack on two symbolic USA landmarks, New York’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon. These terrorist hijacked planes and crashed it into these populated landmark sites. New York’s infamous twin towers collapsed after it caught on fire from the plane, as well as other buildings surrounding them. All the hijackers died during their attack as well as nearly 3,000 Americans.…
That was a tragic day that many people will never forget. So many died and so many lost their family. Many people were injured and fighting for their lives. Up until this day we still pray for those who died on September 11,…