6th Grade Camp Research Paper

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My best day of was day two of 6th grade camp. It was at the end of the school year. It was my favorite day of the whole week at 6th grade camp. The plans for that day was to go ziplining then after that go back to the resort to get lunch and to hangout. So when we got to the resort to go ziplining we got put into groups. My group was with Hailey.p, Devrie, Owen, Drew, and Bo. It was really fun. Their were so many different obstacles. My favorite obstacle out of all them was the bungee jumping at the end of the whole course. It was my favorite because we had to get strapped to this thing that looks like a punching bad, but it was orange than we jumped off a 100 foot tree. It was intense it felt like i lost my heart, it was so scary jumping from that high of a cliff. …show more content…
After we were done we walked back to the resort to get lunch. Before we got lunch we had 45 minutes of free time so me, Owen, and Myles went to the back of the resort and played horse tails. Sadly i lost but I got second place because my got last place. We played till we got to whoever got 3 horse tails on the little pole thing. It was pretty intense. So all 3 of us went back to the front where everyone was and there was a big kick ball game a lot of the boys in our grade were playing so all of us asked if we can play and they assigned us teams. My team got absolutely destroyed. The team we were playing against was totally stacked. They had Bo,Owen,Ayden,Owen ,Gio and Drew all of the kids who are really good at kicking and that are fast. After a couple minutes of that we were called to come back to the lunch site to get our lunch and we got an Uncrustable,Milk, and bag of chips. It was pretty good but I have had better. After that we went back to

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