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78 Cards in this Set

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Static malalignment & abnormal muscle activation patterns after LPHC compromise

Dynamic stability of the lower extremity, resulting in dynamic Malalignment in the lower extremity.

DS & DM.

What is another term for static malalignments?

Altered length-tension relationships & altered joint Arthrokinematics.


What is another term for abnormal muscle activation patterns?

Altered force-couple relationships.

Multisegmental HMS impairment is a combination of what 4 things?

Contralateral pelvic drop.

Femoral adduction & internal rotation.

Tibia external rotation.




An increase in knee valgus angle could increase ___.

This multisegmental dynamic malalignment has been shown to alter what?

ACL loading by ~100%.

Force production, proprioception, coordination, & landing mechanics.

Perfect score.


Deficits in NM control of the LPHC may lead to uncontrolled

Trunk displacement during functional movements.

Increased knee abduction motion & torque.

Increased patellofemoral contact pressure.

Knee ligament strain. ACL injury.


TiP KiKA. Away.

There is a high incidence of LBP in ___.

Individuals who have LBP are significantly more likely to have ___.


Additional low-back injuries, predisposing them to future osteoarthritis & long-term disability.


Optimal muscle performance of the low back is determined by

Posture (length-tension) of the LPHC during functional activities.

Stand up straight.


If the neutral lordotic curve of the lumbar spine is not maintained (low back arches, low back rounds, excessive lean forward),

The activation & relative moment arm of the muscle fibers decreases.

ARM down.

When do vertebral disc injuries occur?

When the outer fibrous structure of the disk (annulus fibrosis) fails.



When the outer fibrous structure of the disk fails, this allows for

The internal contents of the disc (nucleus pulposus) to be extruded & irritate nerves exciting the intervertebral foraman.

Insides come out. NP.

You’re making me mad.

I’m so happy IF

It is generally proposed that injury to the intervertebral disc is caused by

A combination of motion with compressive loading.

Moving and CL.

Increases in disc pressures & stresses are influenced by ___.

Disc pressure increases with ___ & decreases in ___.

Kinematics of the lumbar spine.

Inc: Lumbar flexion.

Dec: lordosis (low-back rounding) during the performance of activities.




A combination of motions about the lumbar spine have been demonstrated to increase the

Strain placed on the disks, including flexion with lateral bending.

Squinting your eyes to see.


This combination of motions about the lumbar spine may generate what?

Axial torque, increasing the initiation of disc herniation.


Up DH.

Pelvic asymmetry (iliac rotation asymmetry & SIJ asymmetry) has been shown to alter movement of what?

The HMS in standing & sitting.

Static posture of the entire LPHC, altering normal arthrokinematics.

Chair/no chair.

Head up, shoulders back ANA.

What is present in clients with sacroiliac joint dysfunction?

Hip rotation asymmetry, which decreases hip internal rotation ROM.

Shakira RA down.

Insufficiency of any of the musculature of the LPHC may induce what?

Bio mechanical dysfunction & altered force-couple relationships.


Subjects with LBP have been reported to demonstrate what?

Abnormal muscle recruitment patterns.

Impaired posture control.

Delayed muscle relaxation.


What is notably diminished in patients with LBP?

The transverse abdomonis & multifidus activation.


A delay in activation of the internal oblique, multifidus, & gluteus maximus was observed in patients on the symptomatic side of what?

Sacroiliac joint pain.

Potato bag.

The ligaments that surround the spine limits what type of motion?

What do they maintain?

Intersegmental motion.

Maintaining the integrity of the lumbar spine.



When may the ligaments that surround the lumbar spine fail?

Proper motion cannot be created.

Excessive motion can’t be resisted by the surrounding musculature.

Proper posture can’t be maintained.



What can decreasing the ability of local and global stabilizing muscles to produce adequate force do?

Lead to a ligamentous injury.

Follow my ...

Decreased core NM control may contribute to

Increased valgus positioning of the lower extremity, which can lead to increased risk of knee injuries.

IV down & up miguel.

Training of the trunk musculature may increase the control of what?

What may it prevent?

Inc: Hip adduction & internal rotation during functional activities.

Dec: Dynamic malalignments & potential injuries arising from this impaired movement pattern.

Shakira AI.

DMP. Imp.

Traumatic shoulder dislocations account for what percentage of additional shoulder pain?

15-25% of shoulder pain.

The persistent nature of shoulder pain maybe the result of what?

Degenerative capsuloligamentous structures.

Articular cartilage.



What do as many as 70% of individuals with shoulder dislocations experience?

Recurrent instability within 2 years.

Being at risk of developing glenohumeral osteoarthritis.


Degenerative changes of the shoulder may also affect the

Rotator cuff by weakening the tendons with time through intrinsic/extrinsic risk factors.

Take off your cufflinks.


What are examples of intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors?

Forward head/rounded shoulders.

Altered scapular kinematics & muscle activity.

Increased loads raised above shoulder height

Repetitive overhead use.


What has the posterior glenohumeral capsular contractor been demonstrated to alter?

Normal glenohumeral kinematics, resulting in increased anterior/superior migration of the humeral head during shoulder flexion, significantly limiting shoulder internal rotation.

It is in the name K?

Front & above. Animals moving.


It is theorized that rounded shoulders (forward shoulder posture) alters the

Normal length tension relationship & joint kinematic balance of the shoulder complex.


Any kinematic mechanism that reduces the subacromial space during humeral elevation will likely

Predispose individuals to impingement of the rotator cuff.

At risk. IRC.

What muscles are lengthened in rounded shoulder posture?

What muscles does it shorten?

Rhomboids & lower trapezius.

Serratus anterior.



The lengthening & shortening of muscles in the rounded shoulder posture alters

Normal scapulothoracic force couple relationships.


Rounded shoulders is an altered posture and muscle recruitment pattern that will cause the scapula to do what?

To remain forward-tipped & internally rotated relative to the elevating humerus.


A forward-tipped & internally rotated scapula forces

The humerus & acromion to approximate & narrow the subacromial space.


Maximal rotator cuff activation can be increased by what percent if the scapula is stabilized by the core musculature in the scapulothoracic stabilizers?


Why was the PARQ designed?

To help determine if a person is ready to undertake low-to-moderate-to-high task levels.

3 levels.

PARQ aids in identifying people who

Certain activities may not be appropriate or need further medical attention.


The PARQ is directed toward detecting any possible

Cardiorespiratory dysfunction, such as coronary heart disease, & is a good beginning point for gathering personal background concerning cardio respiratory function.


Start getting checked.

Occupational questions help the fitness professional with insight into

What the clients movement capacity is.

What kinds of movement patterns are performed throughout the day.

What MC & MP.

A rounded posture may lead to decreased activation of what?

This would also decrease what?

Decrease rotator cuff activation.

Decrease stabilization, leading to compression of the humeral head in glenoid fossa.



There is a sequential muscle activation of force development pattern that is initiated from the ground to the core & through the extremities, where is this demonstrated?

During kicking, running, a tennis serve, & throwing.


What percentage of muscle activation is required to slow a forward moving arm while throwing?

Throwing comes from what stabilizers?


Core & scapulothoracic.


Occupational Questions (5)


Required extended periods of repetitive movement?

Required extended periods of sitting?

Required shoes with a heel?

Occupation cause anxiety (mental stress)?



Mental stress or anxiety can lead to

Dysfunctional breathing patterns, leading to postural distortion & kinetic chain dysfunction.



Questions pertaining to an individual‘s lifestyle will reflect

What an individual does in their free time (recreation/hobbies).

No cost.

Lifestyle Questions (2)

Do you partake in any recreational activities (golf, tennis, skiing)?

Do you have any hobbies (reading, gardening, working on cars)?

Do you... PRAH.

Recreation, in the context of an assessment, refers to

An individuals physical activities outside of the work environment.


If an individual sits a large portion of the day then

Their hips are flexed for prolonged periods of time.

Shakira pot.

Sitting for a long period of time leads to

Tight hip flexors, causing postural imbalances in the kinetic chain.

Shakira pik.

Sitting for long periods of time at a computer causes

Shoulders & cervical spine to fatigue under the constant influence of gravity, leading to rounded shoulders and forward head.

SCG. Tired . They’re a bad...

Repetitive movements can create a

Pattern overload to muscles & joints, which may lead to tissue trauma & eventually kinetic chain dysfunction.



Repetitive movements can be seen in jobs that require a lot of

Overhead work (construction, painting).

Working with the arms overhead for long periods of time may lead to

Shoulder soreness, resulting from a tight latissimus dorsi & pectorals & a weak rotator cuff.

Workout left me...


The muscle imbalances from repetitive movements of overhead work does not allow for proper

Shoulder motion or Shoulder stabilization during activity, leading to shoulder & neck pain.



Wearing shoes with a heel puts the ankle complex in what position for extended periods?

What does it lead to?

Plantarflexion position.

Tightness in the gastrocnemius & soleus causing postural imbalance such as Overpronation.

Foot on the gas.


What is overpronation at the foot & ankle complex?

Flattening of the arch of the foot, leading to foot & ankle injury.

FAF hurt.

By finding out what recreational activities an individual performs, a health & fitness professional can

Better design a program to fit these needs.

Why must proper program strategies be incorporated based off of a persons recreations?

To ensure individuals are trained in a manner that optimizes the efficiency of the HMS, while addressing potential muscle imbalances that may be a result of their activity.

Be sure TOE PIR.

Hobbies, in the context of an assessment, refers to

Activities in individual may partake in regularly, but are not necessarily athletic in nature.

Not sporty. NAN

What are some examples of hobbies?

Gardening, working on cars, reading, watching television, playing video games.


In many of these cases for hobbies, the individual must maintain a particular

Posture for an extended period of time, leading to potential muscle imbalances.

Sit up straight. POP

Medical history provides information about

Chronic conditions.

Life-threatening chronic diseases (CHD, HBP, diabetes).


Past injuries.

Structure in functions of the individual.


If an individual sits a large portion of the day then

Their hips are flexed for prolonged periods of time.

Inquiring about an individual‘s past injuries can illuminate what?

What is one of the best predictors of future injuries?

Possible dysfunctions.

Past injuries.

Medical History Questions (4)

Have you ever had any pain or injuries (ankle, knee, hip, back, shoulder)?

Have you ever had any surgeries?

Has a medical doctor ever diagnosed you with a chronic disease (CHD, CAD, hypertension, HBP, high cholesterol, diabetes)?

Are you currently taking any medication?

Have you ever PIS.

Has a MD.

Are you...

Ankle sprains have been shown to decrease what?

This, in Taryn, can lead to poor control of what?

Neural control to the gluteus medias/maximus.

The lower extremities during functional activities, leading to injury.



Sitting for a long period of time leads to

Tight hip flexors, causing postural imbalances in the kinetic chain.

Sitting for long periods of time at a computer causes

Shoulders & cervical spine to fatigue under the constant influence of gravity, leading to rounded shoulders and forward head.


Repetitive movements can create a

Pattern overload to muscles & joints, which may lead to tissue trauma & eventually kinetic chain dysfunction.



Repetitive movements can be seen in jobs that require a lot of

Overhead work (construction, painting).

Working with the arms overhead for long periods of time may lead to

Shoulder soreness, resulting from a tight latissimus dorsi & pectorals & a weak rotator cuff.

The muscle imbalances from repetitive movements of overhead work does not allow for proper

Shoulder motion or Shoulder stabilization during activity, leading to shoulder & neck pain.


Wearing shoes with a heel puts the ankle complex in what position for extended periods?

What does it lead to?

Plantarflexion position.

Tightness in the gastrocnemius & soleus causing postural imbalance such as Overpronation.

Foot on the gas.


What is overpronation at the foot & ankle complex?

Flattening of the arch of the foot, leading to foot & ankle injury.

FAF hurt.