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92 Cards in this Set

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Altering body composition for fat loss :

Back (Definition)

Metabolic syndrome is also known as

Syndrome X

Metabolic syndrome is a

Cluster of symptoms characterized by obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, & dyslipidemia.


Metabolic syndrome can lead to an increased risk of

Cardiovascular disease.

Syndrome X is usually associated with

Obesity (abdominal), high-fat diet, & sedentary lifestyle.

What is a common denominator associated with metabolic syndrome/syndrome X factors?

High levels of circulating free fatty acids (FFA).

What happens to the body in the presence of high FFA concentrations?

It favors their use as energy, decreasing glucose oxidation & glycogen synthesis, inhibiting glucose transport.

The result of high FFA concentrations is

Chronically elevated levels of blood sugar levels, hyperglycemia.

Blood sugar

During states of hyperglycemia insulin will be elevated, what does this lead to?

The conversion of excess blood sugar to other products (glycoproteins & fatty acids).

What would a healthy individual have to do to have chronically elevated blood sugar?

Eat extremely high percentages of simple carbohydrates (sucrose) & fat, maintaining a constant energy access/be overweight.

Obesity itself is a risk factor for development of

Insulin resistance (IR), not the other way around.

How are excess calories stored if one constantly overeats? What does this cause?

They are stored as fat.

This causes fat cells to increase in size.

What does the growing fat cell become? How does the body react?

It becomes insulin resistant (IR).

FFA causes the body to favor fat for energy at the expense of glucose.

Overweight conditions leading to IR, eventually lead to what?

Impaired glucose use.


Impaired glucose leads to an increase of what?

Blood sugar levels

Insulin levels



Blood pressure

There is an elevation in 5 different areas.

What does the impaired ability of glucose to enter muscle cells do? What does this increase?

It keeps glycogen stores lower.

It increases appetite, motivating want to eat more. Increasing fat stores, exacerbating IR, & so on.



High fat diets are strongly associated with what?

Obesity, insulin resistance, & diabetes.

3 health issues

The only solution to avoiding obesity, IR, & non-insulin dependent diabetes is a diet containing what?

The appropriate amount of energy

High in fibrous vegetables/starchy carbohydrates


A study of type 2 diabetics, those with IR, & people of normal weight found that 3 weeks of high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet, & exercise did what?

Significantly lowered insulin levels.

1 g of fat yields how many calories?

9 cal

That is generally ___ in water.


Fat is present in all cells :

High in what?

Low in what?

High in adipose & nerve tissue.

Low in epithelial & muscle tissue.

Fatty acids can be these 4 things :





The body needs fat for :

Recommended fat intake :

Back (Definition)

How much water should sedentary men & women consume per day?

3 L (~13 cups)

2.2 L (~9 cups)

How much water should those participating in fat loss programs drink?

An additional 8 oz for every 25lbs the carry over their ideal weight.

An addition

Water intake should also be increased when?

When exercising briskly.

When residing in a hot climate.

Water is vital to what? Approximately what percentage of water constitutes the adult human body by weight?

Vital to life itself.

~60% of the body.

How long can one survive without water?

Only for a few days.

Consuming an adequate amount of water will benefit the body in the following :

Back (Definition)

The body cannot adapt to ___, which impairs ___.


Every physiologic function.

A fluid loss of even 2% of body weight adversely affect what?

Circulatory functions, decreasing performance levels.

If a fairly regular daily pattern of exercise, water, & food consumption is followed, average body weight will provide what?

A very good index of the body’s state of hydration.

Organizers of certain ultra distance running events make it mandatory for competitors to do what before being allowed to continue?

Weigh themselves at stations along the course.

Consume enough fluid to regain a predetermined body weight.

Thirst alone is a poor indicator of

How much water is needed.

Athletes consistently consume ___ fluid volume, managing to replace approximately ___ of sweat losses.

In adequate fluid volume

~50% of sweat losses.

What is a good way to keep track of how much one needs to drink?

Determining your average daily weight.

Use the number you got for your average daily weight as the standard for your

Euhydrated (normal) state.

Do not begin a practice session or endurance competition until when? (Water consumption)

The body is at, or slightly above, it’s standard weight..

Drink enough water, juice, or sports drink during exercise to

Maintain starting weight.

Guidelines for fluid replacement in athletes are as follows :

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The effects of dehydration :

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Altering body composition for fat loss :

Back (Definition)

Approximately how many calories equals a pound of body fat?

3500 cal

In order to lose 1-2 pounds per week, a client must maintain an average calorie deficit of what per day?

500 to 1000 cal per day

Calories that are not used for energy production are stored as what?


How much weight will a person gain by eating 100 cal a day more than what the body needs to maintain, over the course of 35 days?

About a pound of fat.

Most nutrition experts do not recommend an energy intake any lower than what?

1200 cal

Very low calorie diet (VLCD) should be followed only under the supervision of

A medical professional.

What is a very low calorie diet (VLCD)?

A doctor supervised diet typically using commercial prepared formulas to promote rapid weight loss in obese patients.

Liquid shakes or bars.

How long do very low calorie diets so (VLCD) last?

Several weeks or months.

Very low calorie diet (VLCD) Need to teen appropriate levels of

Vitamins in micro nutrients, to ensure patients meet their nutritional requirements.

People on a very low calorie diet (VLCD) consume about how many calories per day?

1800 cal per day or less

Altering body composition for lean body mass gain :

Back (Definition)

VCLDs should be part of a comprehensive weight loss treatment program that includes what?

Behavioral therapy

Nutritional counseling

Physical activity

There are 3

Long-term maintenance of weight loss with the VCLD is

Poor & no better than other forms of obesity treatment.

Incorporation of what type of treatment programs seem to improve weight loss maintenance of VLCD patients?

Behavioral therapy

Physical activity

Some of the risks following an overly restrictive diet include :

Back (Definition)

What is the scientific-based recommendation of protein for strength athletes?

0.5-0.8 g of protein per pound.

Over consumption of sugar, refined processed carbohydrates, & high glycemic foods could lead to what?

Uncontrolled spikes in blood sugar

Low energy

Increased appetite

To avoid hunger, it is advised to choose what type of foods for healthy weight loss?


Starchy vegetables


Grains to provide fiber



There are 6

Carbohydrates are imperative to what?

Glycogen repletion (before, during, after) exercise for strength, power, aerobic/anaerobic performance, & conditioning.

If someone gain sweet well eating at night will it make them fat?

No weight gain is a result of eating more calories than you burn on a regular basis, not when you eat.

Carbohydrate content of several popular diets :

Back (Definition)

Which is superior for weight loss, a low-fat & high-carbohydrate or a high-protein & low-carbohydrate diet?

Neither diet is superior for weight loss, weight loss is achieved when calories consumed are less than calories expended.

Which diet had greater dropout rates during a study, the Atkins diet, the zone, weight watchers, or Ornish plan?

The Atkins

The Ornish plan

The majority of daily caloric expenditure is not the time spent exercising but

In the total energy expenditure during 24 hours.

Altering body composition for fat loss :

Back (Definition)

Altering body composition for lean body mass gain :

Back (Definition)

In order to lose 1-2 pounds per week, a client must maintain an average calorie deficit of what per day?

500 to 1000 cal per day

Calories that are not used for energy production are stored as what?


How much weight will a person gain by eating 100 cal a day more than what the body needs to maintain, over the course of 35 days?

About a pound of fat.

Most nutrition experts do not recommend an energy intake any lower than what?

1200 cal

Carbohydrate content of several popular diets :

Back (Definition)

What is a very low calorie diet (VLCD)?

A doctor supervised diet typically using commercial prepared formulas to promote rapid weight loss in obese patients.

Liquid shakes or bars.

How long do very low calorie diets so (VLCD) last?

Several weeks or months.

Very low calorie diet (VLCD) Need to teen appropriate levels of

Vitamins in micro nutrients, to ensure patients meet their nutritional requirements.

People on a very low calorie diet (VLCD) consume about how many calories per day?

1800 cal per day or less

Altering body composition for lean body mass gain :

Back (Definition)

VCLDs should be part of a comprehensive weight loss treatment program that includes what?

Behavioral therapy

Nutritional counseling

Physical activity

There are 3

Long-term maintenance of weight loss with the VCLD is

Poor & no better than other forms of obesity treatment.

Incorporation of what type of treatment programs seem to improve weight loss maintenance of VLCD patients?

Behavioral therapy

Physical activity

Some of the risks following an overly restrictive diet include :

Back (Definition)

What is the scientific-based recommendation of protein for strength athletes?

0.5-0.8 g of protein per pound.

Over consumption of sugar, refined processed carbohydrates, & high glycemic foods could lead to what?

Uncontrolled spikes in blood sugar

Low energy

Increased appetite

To avoid hunger, it is advised to choose what type of foods for healthy weight loss?


Starchy vegetables


Grains to provide fiber



There are 6

Carbohydrates are imperative to what?

Glycogen repletion (before, during, after) exercise for strength, power, aerobic/anaerobic performance, & conditioning.

If someone gain sweet well eating at night will it make them fat?

No weight gain is a result of eating more calories than you burn on a regular basis, not when you eat.

Carbohydrate content of several popular diets :

Back (Definition)

Which is superior for weight loss, a low-fat & high-carbohydrate or a high-protein & low-carbohydrate diet?

Neither diet is superior for weight loss, weight loss is achieved when calories consumed are less than calories expended.

Some of the risks following an overly restrictive diet include :

Back (Definition)

The majority of daily caloric expenditure is not the time spent exercising but

In the total energy expenditure during 24 hours.