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73 Cards in this Set

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What is often the difference between success & failure for the relationship between a personal trainer & their client?

Effective communication

It is important for personal trainers to understand the impact of ___ & ___ on their successes & failures.


Nonverbal Communication

Effective communicator skills are a

Learned behavior.

Some skills to consider helping enhance communication with clients include the following :

Back (Definition)

In nonverbal communication

What someone is thinking or feeling is reflected in their body language.

Where does much of nonverbal communication show up?

In the face (a small movement in the lips or change in the eyes).

What are some forms of nonverbal communication?

Physical appearance



Body position

There are 4

Many times the problem with nonverbal communication is

How it is interpreted.

Although, usually the impact of ___ nonverbal communication is ___ & the impact of ___nonverbal communication is ___.

Positive nonverbal


Negative nonverbal


The negative effects of nonverbal communication generally will ensure that

The client will not return.

What must verbal messages be to be received & interpreted correctly?

It must be clear.

How must verbal messages be delivered in order to be received & interpreted it correctly?

They must be delivered at the right time & in the right place.

Not only the messages need to be delivered at the right time in the right place but

The listener needs to clarify what they heard from the speaker.

The speaker needs to approve/reclarify with the listener.

Verbal communication steps 1-4 :

Back (Definition)

The potential for error is virtually in every step of the verbal communication model. The way a speaker communicates can vary in terms of what?




There are 3

What the listener actually hears may be

All, some, or very little of what the speaker intended to communicate.

The way a listener interprets the words that they heard may be very different than how the speaker interprets those same words. The result is

Miscommunication between the listener & speaker.

Active listening is about having

Having an attitude & genuine interest in seeking a clients perspective & getting to know them.

Active listening requires an individual to

Pay attention

Avoid distractions

Look the speaker in the eyes

Provide feedback only when the speaker has finished.

There a 4

What is active listening in communication not about?

Convincing the client to do something

Selling a program

Providing the right information

There a 3

Active listening suggests that a personal trainer seeks ___ to be & desire to ___.

Respectful & genuinely care for clients.

Form partnerships/collaborative relationships with them.

Instead of having the goal of communicating information, a personal trainer’s goal should be

To build a relationship with their client.

Arguably, it is more important to communicate understanding than to

Provide the right information.

By maximizing ___ & minimizing ___, personal trainers will help get people ___, & that is what leads to ___ to an exercise program.

Max : Support

Min : Disagreements

Get people connected

Leads to adherence

Gradual lifestyle change is often accompanied by a pattern of


Starting over


There are 3

Closed-ended (directive) questions can be answered with

One word

(What’s your name?)

Open-ended (nondirective) questions allow

Clients to get more information, to be elaborate.

Open ended questions cannot be answered with a



Yes or no

Open-ended questions are very important for building what type of relationships? Why?

Collaborative relationships

They invite discussion.

How do you open-ended questions invite discussion?

To express :

Personal fears




There are 4

Reflections are

Conversational techniques that expressed the purported meaning of what was just heard.

What was that?

Reflections are both ___ & ___. They express ___ & communicate ___.

Subtle & powerful.

Caring & communicate understanding.

Reflecting is an opportunity to make sure of what? What opportunity does it give to a client?

That what a client says is accurately understood.

The opportunity to ensure they said what they thought or felt.

How are reflections powerful?

Because they show that active listening is occurring.

They may add more information so what has been reflected.

They may add more information to what has been reflected.

When reflecting is done skillfully the conversation between a trainer and the client will flow, & all the information will come from who?

The client.

Summaries are a series of


If a trainer has done a good job reflecting with clients, then summary should be

Pretty simple.

What do summaries draw out? Summaries show a great depths of what?

All the important points of the conversation together & again allow clients to clarify what they said or how someone has interpreted what they said.

Listening throughout an entire conversation.

Affirmations show appreciation for

Clients & their strengths.

What must personal trainers do to know what to affirm? When using affirmations with a client it is important to do what?

They must listen.

Genuinely affirm something the client personally values.

Thoughts, plans, skills.

Clients feel more validated by positive comments about their




How are affirmations different from complements?

Complements typically have in evaluative judgment implicit within them.

Complements usually begin with statements ___. Changing ___ statements to ___ statements relocates the affirmation from an ___ advantage point to an ___client attribute.

“I” statements.

Changing “I” statements to “U” statements

From an external

To an internal

Clients are paying personal trainers to share information with them. However, before sharing information with a client it is important to do what? Asking permission to give advice softens what?

Ask permission to share that information.

The trainers role as an authority figure, & supports a partnership in the decision making process.

These are some basic ideas to keep in mind when communicating new information to a client. Some of those ideas are as follows :

Back (Definition)

Social networks can strongly influence what? What type of people fare better?

Behavior & beliefs.

Those who are trying to change their exercise behavior & who have strong social support.

The social support include




Personal trainers

Others who provide :





4 types of people

4 things they provide

What is one of the strongest predictors of exercise adherence?

Social support.

During the first session with a new client, what should personal trainers discuss about social support?

The amount & type of social support the client may need or have.

When talking about prior exercise successes, people may mention attribute their past exercise success is to a workout buddy, family member, or friend. If the conversation is not going this direction what are some questions that may need to be asked?

Were other people involved in your past success?

Did family & friends help you to stick to your exercise program?

Who was the most important person that added to your exercise success?

3 social support questions.

For clients who have a strong social support network, have a conversation with them about

How to use the social support they have available.

For clients who have limited social support network or no social support network, trainers should help clients

To find social support they need To adhere to an exercise program.

What is a simple way of helping a client find social support?

Introducing them to staff & members in the fitness facility.

Trainers can also design small group training classes and

Encourage their existing clients to invite friends, coworkers, or family members.

Provide in formal orientation sessions for

Groups of new members, helping to connect them.

Other people with strong social support fair better with exercise inherence, many people do enjoy exercising ___. Generally these Individuals use exercise to get away from ___, to spend some time ___, ___, or to ___.


Get away from people,

To spend some time alone,

To think,

Or to destress/relax.


What are the various kinds of support?

Instrumental support

Emotional support

Companionship support

Informational support


Instrumental support is the

Tangible & practical factors necessary to help a person to adhere to exercise/achieve exercise goals.

What are some examples of instrumental support?

Transportation to a fitness facility

A babysitter

A spotter for a weightlifting

How to get there.

How to have free time.

How to lift safely.

Components of instruments with support that are unsupported turn into what?


People will not be able to adhere to an exercise program if there are

Tangible things that get in the way of them being able to exercise.

Emotional support is expressed through





2 Es

2 Cs

What are examples of emotional support?

Encouraging client to work harder.

Sympathizing with a client when they have sore muscles.

Praising a client for their efforts.


Emotional support enhances ___ & reduces ___. Although emotional support goes a bit deeper, it can come in the form of an ___.

Enhance : Self-esteem

Reduce : anxiety


Affirmations affirm what?

Intent & effort.

Informational support is one of the main reasons that clients

Come to personal trainers in the first place.

Informational support includes the

Directions, advice, or suggestions given to clients about how to exercise & the feedback regarding their progress.

Informational support can come from what type of sources?

Formal sources :

Personal trainers, group exercise instructors, or other health & fitness professionals.

Informal sources :

Family & friends who share their own exercise experiences.

What is the most familiar type of support?

Companionship support.

Companionship support includes

The availability of family, friends, & coworkers who clients can exercise with.

Companionship during exercise provides

Positive feelings & may distract people from the negative related feelings such as fatigue, pain, & boredom.

Companionship also provides a sense of

Camaraderie & accountability.