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109 Cards in this Set

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What are some benefits of exercise?

Better weight control

Reduction in :



Risk of cardiovascular disease

Increase in :


What percentage of the American adult population does not partake, on a daily basis, in exercise? How long should they partake? What intensity should it be?


30 minutes

Low to moderate physical activity

Since personal trainers can have a significant influence on people they have an obligation to do what?

Design effective programs.

Give advice appropriate for individual clients.

For a personal trainer, what greatly affects whether or not a person chooses to return for another personal training session?

Their attitudes/behavior.

How they communicate.

Personal trainers can change clients in ___ ways that support ___, leading to increased ___.

Positive ways.

The behavior change process.

Increased adherence to exercise.

How long do personal trainers have to make a good 1st impression?

20 seconds

What does that first impression include?

Back (Definition)

What will a new client will usually notice before they hear anything?

Body language

Facial expressions

What could happen if a new client notices a personal trainers poor body language, lack of congruency in body language, & what they are saying in the first 20 seconds?

It could significantly impact a personal trainers relationship with a prospective new client permanently.

Besides attitudes, behaviors, & good communication, here are some other important qualities of a personal trainer :

Back (Definition)

Why is it important for personal trainers to consider what kind of environment they plan to work in?

The environment in which personal trainers work is a reflection of who they are as a personal trainer & will determine the type of clientele they attract.

Some of the key predictors of exercise participation & adherence include :

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Besides the key predictors of exercise participation and adherence, what are other supporting factors of a positive client experience?

Neat & clean facility

Detailed program information

Easy registration process


Organized support staff

There are 5

Change goes against what?

Human nature & what is familiar, stable, & routine.

When does the behavior change process usually begin?

When there’s a perceived problem or need for change.

Stages of change model :

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Stage 1 : precontemplation : those in this stage

Have no intention of changing.

Do not exercise.

Do not intend to start in the next 6 months.

Intention, exercise, when.

Do personal trainers see people in the precontemplation stage? What is the best strategy for this group?

No they are not usually seen.

The best strategy is education.

Even though personal trainers cannot make anyone form the intention to become more active, they can suggest

Where they might get information to do so.

What materials are helpful for pre-contemplators?

Attractive & easy to read.

If possible, what’s your personal trainers do in order to find out what pre-contemplators think of exercise?

Talk to them, & try to dispel any myths they may have.

Stage 2 : contemplation :

Those in this stage

Do not exercise.

Are thinking of becoming more active in the next 6 months.

Intention/exercise, when.

What influence do personal trainers have on contemplators?

They have a great deal of influence on what contemplators choose to do, whether or not they choose to exercise.

What do personal trainers need to be able to do when working with contemplators?

Listen to their needs.

Support them in every way.

What are contemplators aware of when it comes to exercise?What is the best strategy to use with

Some of the costs and benefits of it, but misconceptions may still be present.

What is the best strategy to use with contemplators?

Education, they need information.

Personal trainers need to find out what the clients see as ___ & ___ of exercise & suggest avenues of information for ___ beliefs. (Stage 2, contemplation)




It is important to discuss ways to deal with ___ exercise. In the stage, personal trainers should help clients develop ___ that will lead to long-term ___. (stage 2, contemplation)

Perceived cons

Motivational programs


Personal trainers can help contemplators move fairly quickly to which stage?

The preparation stage.

Stage 3 : preparation :

Those in this stage

Do exercise (occasionally).

Are planning to begin exercise regularly in the next month.

Intention, exercise, when.

Those in the preparation stage believe in what? What are their expectations?

The health benefits of exercise.

Unrealistic expectations for the change they hope to achieve.

When someone in the preparation stage has unrealistic expectations what does it lead to?

A high-risk of disappointment.

Early drop out.

The best strategies for working with people in the preparation stage include :

Back (Definition)

There are 7

Stage 4 : action :

Those in this stage

Are active.

Have started to exercise, but have not yet maintained the behavior for 6 months.

Exercise, maintenance/when.

What are some of the best strategies for keeping people in the action stage?

Continuing to provide them with education because it will strengthen their belief in the pros of exercise.

What is something important that personal trainers should discuss with those in the action stage? Personal trainers need to work with their clients to develop action steps to overcome

Barriers to exercise.

Anticipation of upcoming disruptions.

Personal trainers need to work with their clients to develop action steps for overcoming what? (Stage 4, action)

Barriers or disruptions.

Personal trainer should not be afraid to ___ exercise programs if ___ or ___ is a barrier. (Stage 4, action)


Time or intensity.

Stage 5 : maintenance :

Those in this stage

Have maintained change for 6 months or more.

Are still tempted to return to old habits of less exercise.

Exercise, maintenance/when, tempted.

What should a personal trainers suggest clients in the maintenance stage to have?

A maintenance check in plan.

What does a maintenance check in plan include? (Stage 5)

Reinforces pros

Discusses progress

Helps to change up their workout plan.

What type of suggestions should personal trainers give to those in the maintenance stage?

Suggestions tailored to personal preferences.

People in the meeting that stage sometimes go on to become what?

Instructors or trainers.

What can personal trainers help enhance?

Motivation to exercise

Provide social support

Help exercise intentions

Here are some questions to help guide you in assessing what stage of client might be in :

Back (Definition)

If a client is in maintenance, what questions will give more information to help guide a personal trainers work with that client?

Questions 1-5

If a personal trainer thinks that a client is in the action stage, what questions might they use? (Remember in the stage clients struggle to find ways of dealing with exercise barriers)

Questions 1,2,3, & 5

If a personal trainer thinks that a client is in the preparation stage, the discussion should be around what questions? Beyond the questions, what should be suggested?

Questions 1, 2, & 3

Realistic expectations & finding social support.

It’s a personal trainer thinks the client is in the contemplation stage, what is the job? What questions will help guide clients in that direction?

Help them get ready for exercise.

Questions 1, 2, 3, & 5

If a personal trainer believes the client is in the precontemplation stage, what questions may provide some useful information? What should you be prepared for?

Questions 1, 2, 3, & 5

To ask more questions.

Some examples of questions to ask someone in the precontemplation stage would be

What keeps them from becoming active?

Do they know that moderate intensity exercise can be comfortable and still provide health benefits?

Personal trainers need to develop body language that portrays what? Why?



A sense of warmth

So that the client feels comfortable.

Continue moving in a positive direction.

Continue moving in a positive direction.

What happens during the initial session with a client? How is this time spent?

The building of a relationship.

Getting to know who they are, & what their needs & goals are.

Personal trainers need to know that during the initial session with the client

An exercise routine does not immediately happen.

At least 30 mins will be spent just talking to get to know the client.

What do personal trainers determine in the initial session?

Their clients readiness to exercise.

What stage of change they’re in.

The initial conversation is my personal trainers start to ___, ___, & get to ___.



Get to know their client.

From this initial conversation with a client, a personal trainer can determine the direction

That a client needs to go & how they need to go with them.

During the building period of any relationship there is



And an opportunity for each person to get to know the other

It is usually in this trial. We’re both participants decide

Whether or not they want the relationship to continue.

If a client determines in the trial. That they are not getting what they need, they will

Not come back.

What are some initial conversation points to discuss that covered daily activities?

Their hobbies (gardening)

Their job (housekeeping)

How they get around (stairclimbing)

Always tell clients why you think more ___ is ___ & why.

Physical activity


What concerns should be discussed during initial conversation? In what particular stages?

Health concerns

The contemplation & preparation stages

Being able to have an intelligent conversation around the clients health concerns and how exercise can help can be

Motivating for a client to move toward exercise.

For exercise prescription.

For exercise prescription.

A verbal conversation around health concerns.

A verbal conversation around health concerns.

The conversation with clients about health concerns may include information about

What health concerns they currently have.

What health concerns they are concerned about potentially having.

Health concerns that run in the family.

There are 3

Personal trainers can’t connect with the client, here are their clients concerns, & show

Empathy for the client.

Ask clients about their stress levels & suggest

That exercise might be beneficial.

It is important to understand what fitness improvements clients hope to achieve, clarifying

What clients mean by :

Feeling better

Being stronger

Improving appearance

Being fit

What a client means : there are 4

When trying to understand with a client means it is better to

Clarify rather than interpret.

Client should clarify their goals as well as

Verbalize them for themselves & for you.

Unrealistic goals lead to demanding exercise programs that may be will beyond a client’s ... what may this results in?



Time limitations

Initial fitness level

I drop out or injury.

There are 4

What are the SMART goals?

S - specific

M - measurable

A - attainable

R - realistic

T - timely

Encourage clients to set goals that include :

Physical skills

Mental skills

Psychological benefits of exercise

There are 3

Personal trainer should suggest the clients do you want to their goals?

Record them on paper & learn to refer to them frequently.

Work with your clients to break down goals into

Small steps so they can be accomplished in a fairly short period of time.

Accomplishing goals in a short period of time will help clients to feel


What are the 2 types of goals?



It is most important to help a client focus on what type of goals?

Process goals

A client has more control ___ over goals than ___ goals. If a client is focused on process goals then the outcome will be a result of that ___.

More control : process goals

Less control : product goals

Results of that process.

Tracking success in the process can be very for ___ a client. Something as simple as completing an exercise session represents the completion of


A goal when the goal is participation.

Why is it important for personal trainers to determine when they will revisit with their clients to discuss goals?

Because every client is different, some progress more quickly than others.

What should you let clients know it is OK to do with their goals?



Delete goals if necessary

What do you need to understand about a client in order to set up a well-rounded exercise plan?

Their health concerns, fitness goals, & reviewing previous exercise experiences.

When discussing previous exercise experiences with a client what should be talked about?

Positive & negative experiences.

What works & what doesn’t.

Why would you have to ask the clients about them being physically active as a child? What are some positive things that may come out of this conversation?

Because they may not have any current exercise history.

Positive memories that help a client to remember that they were successful

A client’s positive experiences can be

Replicated into new experiences.

If a client struggles to find something positive from past exercise experiences try asking the following questions :

Back (Definition)

Some follow-up questions for clients struggling to find something positive from past experiences might be :

Back (Definition)

Clients may mention several important factors that led them to dropping out of exercise, what are they?

The exercise program was too difficult.

They got injured.

The exercise program took too much time.

Life got too complicated.

Why must personal trainers frequently check in with their clients about their exercise program?

To make sure they are not dropping out of the exercise program.

When are the basics of an exercise plan developed during the initial session?

After hearing the client’s :

Health concerns

Fitness goals

Past positive/negative experiences

There are 3

What should the rest of the initial session with the client include after discussing previous exercise, health concerns, & fitness goals?

Gathering input from the client about what activities they want to include into the exercise program.

If a client is interested in developing a strength program, it is important to take them through all of the training modalities. What are they?

Strength machines

Free weights



Medicine balls

Kettle bells

There are 6

Once the training modalities have been covered, the conversation can be continued about

What they liked & did not like about the training program based on that information.

Lastly, during the initial session with a personal trainer can save the client through a detailed

Fitness assessment process to determine the objective information to further aid in program design.

Body comp

Cardiorespiratory fitness

Movement quality

A series of tests.

What is tested.

If a client agrees to her fitness assessment where ship the personal trainers perform them?

In a place with a sense of privacy out of the viewing eyes of other gym patrons.

When dealing with time constraints of fitness assessment may need to be performed

On the following day (& can be used in conjunction with the first workout).

What is one of the scariest parts of starting an exercise program for anyone new to exercise?

Having a sense of the first day on their own.

Before the end of the first meeting, what should personal trainers talk to the clients about?

Whether they are ready to begin

Whether they have everything they need

Whether they know where they are going

Whether they need more information

Whether they...X4

If the clients are new to a fitness facility, what should you have a conversation with them about? In this conversation it may be important to discuss the different kinds of what? Why?

How to fit in.

The different kinds of members attending the facility.

Clients will feel more comfortable knowing that there are other people who are similar to them.

Discuss with your client what type of ___ is appropriate to wear for exercise.


Having a knowledge that there are people similar to them and understanding the appropriate workout clothing can help curb any

Social physique anxiety that clients may have.

Why is it important to discuss with new clients the effect of other exercises on their behavior?

Because other individuals in an exercise environment influence another persons exercise behavior.

Studies have shown that people increase their effort & performance when

Others are watching them, social facilitation

People want to create an impression that they are just as fat as the people exercising around them and may be reluctant to

Admit that a workout is more strenuous for them than the person next to them.

People report lower ratings of perceived exertion RPE when they exercise

Next to a person who gives the impression that the exercise is very easy then when they are alone.