Children of the River Technology: They had weapons, guns,knives,cars. They had motocycles in Camboldia.Grandmother and younger Aunt had to leave Camboldia to, get on a ship and go to the United states. They had telephones they did not have cell phones at that time, and they did not have telephones in Camboldia just in the United states. That’s why she got a letter in the mail telling Sundara that her sister was safe,Sundara did not here from her parents in that letter. Culture:Hot in Camboldia, Cold in Oregon Sundara Spoke Khmer,Sundara had to learn a new language that must have been hard to learn a new language ,and leaving her parents and sister in Camboldia,to go to oregon I could not even imagine, a thirteen year old girl the same…
CROSS-BORDER SHOPPING FROM WASHINGTON STATE TO OREGON STATE Introduction Tax policy is one strategy that states have to increase their competitiveness. From the 50 states nationwide, only five states do not impose sales tax or have a 0% sales tax rate; they are Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire and Oregon. Without sales tax, people can buy in these five states without spending extra money on tax and they can have extra ‘money’ for saving or spending on other goods. Compared to some other…
The first encounter with Euro-Americans for the Walla Wallas was the Lewis and Clark Expedition. First meeting in 1805, the Americans promised to Walla Walla chief Yellepit they would visit with the people after seeing the Pacific Ocean. The party returned in April 1806 and stayed at Yellepit's village, located on the Columbia River near the mouth of the Walla Walla River.[2] During a transaction Yellepit presented Clark with a white horse in return for a copper kettle. The Americans had none in…
I had a hard time deciding whether I agreed or disagreed with the above quote. On one hand, yes, America has succeeded in establishing a progressive political system and envisioned a new idea of what it means to be free, but on the other hand, I feel as though that the United States has departed from the ideas of freedom, responsible government, and human equality. In the end, I decided that I disagree with the idea of America is much more of a political and moral fact. What started as the…
The United States became a more democratic society after the Civil War through the liberation of African American slaves and development of racial equality and the increase of mobility and empowerment of women. Both of these aspects were previously treated with grave inequalities, and after the Civil War each group steadily gained more power and freedom. A democratic society must include freedoms for all citizens regardless of their origins. The definition of a democratic society is very…
The freedom and openness of media plays a central role in politics and it is often portrayed as a fourth branch of government in democratic systems, such as the United States (Choi, James, 2006). Ideally, the role of the media in a democratic state is to provide a voice for the marginalized in society. Therefore, a failure to ensure press freedom is a democratic failure. This essay will explore the way in which the negative portrayal of African Americans in the media has led to oppressive…
“Government is best which governs least” according to the article “Civil Disobedience,” by Henry David Thoreau. In this article, Thoreau also mentioned that he believes that government is best when it governs not at all. However when a government governs not at all, then there exist chaos and war. But a government that governs least is a government that many people will agree is the best type of government. This type of government allows people absolute freedom. Not freedom per say, but…
The attacks on Pearl Harbor forever altered the course of American history,the attacks also changed the way Americans viewed and treated Japanese Americans. These resentments and mistreatments of Japanese immigrants, began long before the bombing of Pearl Harbor ever took place. These biases were even present here, in the state of Washington. After the attacks on Pearl Harbor, many viewed the Japanese- Americans as threats to the country and how they should be treated became a subject of debate…
The health of society is greatly affected by the power of the government. When that power is too weak, the government cannot do its job, but when it is too strong, the leaders may abuse their power and oppress the citizens. In a perfect world citizens would monitor the actions of their government to prevent abuses of power. However, we all born to be free and every one is equal. As Thomas Paine argues in his “Common sense” that we should have control in government, instead of let them to control…
“We the people of the United States…” so starts our Constitution. And what an eclectic and motley group of people we are. So it is that the framers of the pre-eminent law of our land saw fit to build rules into our democratic game of government that would protect us all from a simple majority formed from any group conveniently aligned hell bent on having things their way at the expense of the current majority. Despite their significant proportion of US population, particularly in cities and at…