In Street Fight, a documentary by Marshall Curry, we see how Cory Booker tries to win an election for mayor against Sharpe James in Newark, New Jersey. The things that shape this documentary is the campaign itself, the tactics the two used, and the people's reaction to the election. Their campaigns could be summed down to experienced leadership (Sharpe James) versus change (Cory Booker). James had been serving as mayor for sixteen years and has brought many changes to Newark. He has done good for the city, and any mistakes he has made, he should know from past experiences to never be repeated again. Booker is someone new to the town. He has an outside perspective and he wants to change things for the better. He grew up living a privileged life, but he realizes the struggle many of his race has to deal with and fights so that everyone could live a better life. He advocates for more change in the communities where there has been talk of change, but no actual change. While most things in politics aren't one…
Response Paper: Street Fight “In Newark, elections are won and lost in the streets.” The opening quote of Streetfight set the mise-en-scène for the entirety of the Academy-Award nominated film. Moreover, many people say that politics is a contact sport, in this politics centered documentary directed by Marshall Curry this statement rings more valid than anything. Even if you knew the outcome of the 2002 Newark, New Jersey race for Mayor, this riveting documentary kept you intrigued and hooked…
The film “Street Fight” portrayed multiple troubles within the American voting system. Although this documentary focused on a local government, I noticed that the same problems affecting small community campaigns, affect nationwide campaigns. This is especially noticeable since our nation is in the midst of a very emotionally driven presidential election that is directing the whole world’s attention to our United States Government. One scene that particularly caught my interest was the…
Comes up to the missionary saying that “he would not do any harm to him if he were to just go back to his house and leave us alone… but this shrine which he built must be destroyed. We shall no longer allow it in our midst. I t has bred untold abominations and we have to come to put an end to it.” (Achebe, 176) This is showing that the people judged and disliked the white men pretty much because of the past and what has happened. In though Mr. Brown seem to start to build some…
Think about this, you would have two lives to live as a completely different person. You would have to keep up good grades, make some money to live on, support your family in one life, then save people, fight crime, and kill villains in the other life. It would be way to overwhelming for me. To fight crime, Peter needs a costume and a mask of some sort to hide his identity. He is a pretty good artist and draws his costume that he wants. Since Peter doesn’t have much…
of the world, such as the Axis Powers: Germany, Italy, and Japan; and the Allied Powers: France, Britain, and Russia. On December 7, 1941, America would join the Allies after Japan attacked Hawaii’s coast at Pearl Harbor, Oahu. The war was a terrible fight; however, the fight wasn’t just fought on land, air, or water. There was a more subtle fight being fought by the Axis and Allied government’s movie makers and poster designers. These men and women played an important role in drawing up…
less';(1.1.100-101). Out of pride and anger, Lear banishes Cordelia and splits the kingdom in half to the two evil sisters, Goneril and Regan. This tragic flaw prevents King Lear from seeing the truth because his arrogance overrides his judgement. Lear’s arrogance also causes him to lose his most faithful servant, Kent. In addition, in the first act, Lear’s arrogance causes him to refuse to listen to Kent’s plea to look deeper into the true hearts of his two eldest daughters.…
has been destroying his kingdom. Instead of having his men join him in battle he sends them off so that he may fight the Dragon alone and not risk other’s lives. After the Dragon is defeated he asks that all the spoils go to all those in the kingdom so that could prosper. Destroying the presence of evil in the kingdom of Heorot was an exceptional feet, but what makes Beowulf stand out is his purpose. He fought, neither for the glory nor riches, but for the sake of the people. This quality alone…
In the 1999 film, Fight Club, Tyler Durden proclaims, “we’re the middle children of history. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. We’ve all been raised on television to believe that one day we’d all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars, but we won’t. We’re slowly learning that fact. And we’re very, very pissed off” (Fincher) Then, through the 2000’s, we experienced a highly televised war and an economic crisis. When the idea of upheaving the economic structure of society from…
vendor table’s on the street, thus aiding in gaining insight from the streets. In the book he talks about run ins with small local business owners, as well as their opinions on panhandlers. In the first part of chapter four, duneier talks about a convenient store owner named Jose Torres. Torres managed a convenient store located on Greenwich Ave right near Sixth Ave. According to the book, Duneier states “Aside from the nuisance they create, they sometimes don’t look presentable. They sometimes…