Sutton Hoo was located in Woodbridge, England, and it was discovered to be an Anglo-Saxon cemetery that dates from the 6th and 7th centuries AD. It was located on Edith Pretty’s estate, on a hill overlooking the River Deben, in Suffolk. Pretty had been curious about the mounds of earth located on her land, and she was not sure what they were. She decided to excavate the embankments on her otherwise flat property, and to her surprise, she discovered the archaeological treasures of Sutton Hoo. Sutton Hoo was thought to have been settled around 500 AD. The people who lived in Britain spoke a Germanic language, which eventually evolved into Old English, after post Roman occupation. Religion was an important part of daily life at Sutton Hoo. The people were polytheistic, and worshipped a lot of different gods and goddesses. One of these gods was Woden, who was the equivalent to a chief god. Woden was married to Freyja, the goddess of love. Each of the gods and goddesses the people of Sutton Hoo worshipped were important to various parts of daily life. The goddess of birth was Eostre, and the goddess of death was Hel. The other gods they worshipped were Saxnot, the god of the family, Balder, the god of immortality, Loki, the god of cunning, Wayland, the god of metalworking, Wade, the god of the sea, Tiw, the god of war, and Thunor, the god of thunder. Each god had a different purpose, and could be prayed to for different purposes. Archaeologists have found several pagan…
affectionate animals? There have been, in some cities, bans put on pit bulls because of a high amount of reports of pit bulls biting people. This reason is not the dogs’ faults. Think about it; who trains these dogs and why are people being bitten? Just because there has been a small number of pit bull attacks on humans doesn’t mean that pit bulls should be banned, it means that there should be laws and restrictions for those who own them. There can be changes made to the way that pit bulls are…
Whenever the topic of breed specific dog bans comes up, the breeds that come to mind are pit-bulls, pit-bull mixes, and closely related breeds. Some people will say how dangerous and unpredictable they are, while others vouch for the lovely nature of these breeds. Whenever there is a dog attack mentioned in the news, more than likely the report will state that a pit-bull or pit-bull mix that is responsible. Over the years there has been great debate over these breeds and the breed specific dog…
know them as affectionate, loyal companions; trusted around children, the elderly, and other smaller breeds of dogs. Some may even recognize the breed from recruitment flyers for WWI, as at that time the American pit bull terrier embodied American masculinity and toughness. Delise, (2007) notes the following: However, for over half a century in between, 1920–1970, millions of Bulldogs, Bull Terriers, American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers and all their mixed breed cousins…
of the most wrongly outlawed dogs as a result of poor judgment and misconceptions? The first fact one should know about the Pit Bull breed is that it is not a breed at all. The “Pitbull” term is used to describe a variety of different dogs with similar characteristics and is often associated with the cross-breeding of bulldogs and terriers. The breeds most commonly described as Pit Bulls are American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers and English…
People have brought on such a poor reputation for pit bulls. Pit bulls are given a bad rap because of their involvement in dog attacks, but one thing needs to be set straight. The definition of a pit bull . According to “Pit Bulls Info” pit bulls actually consist of three different types of dogs, the American pit bull Terrier, the American staffordshire terrier, and the staffordshire bull terrier. When you look at dog attack statistics and see pit bull at the top it is easier to understand…
Pit Bulls Should Not Be Banned Pit bulls are often called violent dogs. They are stigmatized as the breed often known as fighting dogs. These dogs are singled out to be restrained or banned and are put to death just for their breed. In Lafayette, Louisiana, two men were arrested for dog fighting and fifty-seven pit bulls were confiscated. Some of the confiscated dogs had scars from fighting, and just because of the breed’s reputation, all of the dogs were considered dangerous. The Louisiana…
breed of dog: The Staffordshire Bull Terrier. They both talk about how this distinct breed of dog has impacted the public eye, and has placed a bang on renting a home or apartment when having a pit bull companion. “The main element of the Dog Control Bill is the shift in emphasis of breed focus to the actions of individual dogs and owners. This legislation would enable courts to prosecute the owners of aggressive or violent dogs” (Brennand 1). With this, Kerry Brennand, stresses that if a person…
People have misconceptions about pit bulls, fearing them and viewing them as “vicious killers” or “dangerous”. The reason pit bulls are so misunderstood is because of the many myths that surround the breed. A lot of these myths contributed to the negative image associated with pit bulls and many of them do not fairly represent the breed. It was stated in an article “Pit Bull: Myth vs. Fact”, on, that of the most one popular myths about pit bulls is that they have locking jaws,…
Basset Hounds have short legs and heavy bones. They have loose skin with a hard, dense coat that comes in several combinations of colors such as white, tan, and black (Gerstenfeld and Schultz 204). The breed is around fourteen inches in height and should weigh anywhere from forty to sixty pounds (Colie 32). Basset Hounds have thick, hanging lips and soft, sad eyes along with ears that hang low to the ground. On its head, there is loosely wrinkled skin and a domed skull that is most clearly seen…