The Life of Paul Revere Paul Revere is an American folk hero that is well known by many people. He played a crucial part in starting the American Revolution. Paul Revere was a silversmith who became a patriot and took part in the Boston Tea Party and was a crucial member of Boston's Committee of Correspondence. He is most famously known for his ride to warn the American minutemen of the approaching british. Paul Revere was born to Apollos Rivoire, a french immigrant, and Deborah Hichborn on January 1, 1735. Apollos changed his name when he came to America to Paul so Paul Revere is named after his father. Paul Revere’s dad was an artisan and when he got older he became an apprentice under his father. When Revere was nineteen his father…
The son of a Huguenot silversmith . Paul at nineteen assumed artistic responsibility for the family’s shop. Born in January 1, 1735 he took part in the Boston tea party and was the principal rider for Boston’s committee of safety. He devised a system of lanterns for the minutemen to learn if the British would be attacking them. By all accounts, the young Revere was a serious and committed artisan. He joined a member of a widely distributed secret order and…
Paul Revere is an American Revolutionary hero. He was born to Apollos Rivoire (who later changed his name to Paul Revere) and Deborah Hitchborn on January 1st of 1734. Revere was an apprentice to his father, a goldsmith until his father died in 1754. Since Revere was considered too young to take over the family business, he joined the French and Indian War (to sustain and pay for his family), he was soon appointed as an officer. When he returned, Revere married Sarah Orne. Together they had 8…
PAUL REVERE Paul Revere was born in Boston Massachusetts on December 22, 1734. He was the son of Apollos Rivoire (father) and Deborah Hichborn (mother). His father was a French Protestant silversmith who came to America and he later "anglicized" his name as Paul Revere. Deborah Hichborn and Paul Revere Sr. had 12 children together, Paul Revere Jr. was the second oldest out of his 11 brothers and sisters. Boston had very good public schools during the time when Paul Revere Jr. Was growing up,…
Paul Revere and His Impact on American History Paul Revere is a man whose name and legacy will live on throughout the years to come. His bold actions helped to shape America into the country it is today. With Paul Revere’s help, The United States was able to gain its independence from the British during the Revolutionary War. Aside from his contributions to the American Revolution, Paul Revere was also an accomplished mechanic and businessman, some of whose inventions are still in use today.…
Paul Revere is worthy of a heroic poem because he played an integral role in the American Revolutionary War. First, he was a member of the Sons of Liberty. In the group, Revere was able to work with important figures who would eventually become founding fathers, like John Hancock. Revere acted as a strong voice for the colonists, so he became a very influential figure in the Sons of Liberty. Also, Revere was a participant in the Boston Tea Party. The colonists felt that they were being taxed…
Paul Revere is worthy of having a famous poem written after him by playing an important role in the American Revolutionary war. First, Paul Revere was a member of the organization called, The Sons of Liberty. This organization had been established established to rebel against the British government. Of which it included several historical figures including Samuel Adams, John Adams, Benedict Arnold, and the Founding Father John Hancock. One of the most memorable events they caused was the Boston…
The Boston Massacre shouldn’t have been called a massacre since only a total of five people killed in the event. The word “massacre” indicates the brutal slaughtering of a large numbers of people. The Boston Massacre was more like a riot than a massacre, but it was called a massacre by the use of propaganda. The Boston Massacre Historical Society clarifies that “Paul Revere wasted no time in capitalizing on the Massacre to highlight British tyranny and stir up anti-British sentiment among his…
Both personalities are mean and miserly in the beginning. Tom Walker and Ebenezer Scrooge both engaged in conversations with evil spirits, but what surprised me is how brazenly they both carried on conversations with them. These two texts follow close storylines, however, even though both men try to turn their lives around to do good, Ebenezer Scrooge is successful, but Tom Walker is eventually collected by the devil. Paul Revere’s Ride is a poem by American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow…
Paul Revere was a very successful silver-smith and a very big part of the American revolution. Though that was not the only thing he did in his life time he had a family and different jobs. In this you will learn about his family and the different jobs he had in his lifetime to help support his family. His part of the American revolution was a very big part of his life, this paper will tell you how he came to be a part of it and what he did for the American revolution. I hope you learn…