It’s understandable that when people hear the word romanticism, they think of love and romance. However, the word “romanticism” actually comes from a movement that changed the way in which various literary writers (and artists) expressed themselves, how they viewed the world around them, and how they conveyed cultural and moral values.
Following are examples of key works from a few authors we studied from this era, and I will be reflecting their different genres of writing. I feel contemplating …show more content…
The story begins with the narrator being sentenced. However, the narrator does not tell us what he has done, or why he is sentenced. In his prison confines “the blackness of eternal night encompasses him”, but he is constantly more concerned about his surroundings then with his welfare. In one instance he looks up and sees that the figure of Time has been painted on the ceiling. Time has been made into a pendulum, which is swinging back and forth, back and forth, getting closer and closer to his heart. As we read this short story we are intriguingly faced with the effects of unrelieved torture and suspense, yet also experiencing hope, which wins out in the end, because he is set free. “The Pit and the Pendulum is a traditional Poe story that breaks from Poe’s conventions: violent yet ultimately hopeful, graphic yet politically allusive.” Moral of this story is, never give up …show more content…
Both personalities are mean and miserly in the beginning.
Tom Walker and Ebenezer Scrooge both engaged in conversations with evil spirits, but what surprised me is how brazenly they both carried on conversations with them.
These two texts follow close storylines, however, even though both men try to turn their lives around to do good, Ebenezer Scrooge is successful, but Tom Walker is eventually collected by the devil. Paul Revere’s Ride is a poem by American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow that commemorates the actions of American patriot Paul Revere’s ride, “although with significant inaccuracies”. This is one of the most commonly read and loved poems in American history. It is about an American patriot, but it is told in a way that Longfellow choses to write it, not always recording what really happened. The biggest criticism is that it gives Paul Revere all the credit for making the ride alone, while three riders collectively performed it.
“LISTEN, my children, and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five;
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and