inhabitants that reside within its borders. Throughout history oppressed peoples have had to question whether to suffer under the bonds of tyranny or rise up against their oppressors. Nonviolent resistance has recently been added to acquiescence and physical violence as the optimal coping strategy when dealing with oppression. This essay explores each coping strategy in detail and offers the argument that each strategy is subjective to the circumstances that allow oppressors to impose impractical and immoral sanctions on a just society. Shakespeare's famous soliloquy from Hamlet asks "whether tis' nobler in the mind to suffer the slings…
It always has been controversial if peaceful protest is the way to proving one’s point. Nonviolent resistance has been in effect for centuries. Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and the Danish resistance are all examples, but surely not the only people who have protested peacefully. Gene Sharp is known for his in-depth studies and writings on nonviolent resistance. Sharp’s theories have influenced anti-government resistance movements globally. Sharp believes that having a big,…
Violence, a leader of destruction, is never the route to take, no matter the conflict. Conversely, nonviolence is the true powerhouse of success. On the 10th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Cesar Chavez, a civil rights activist, constructed an article portraying the ambitious effects of nonviolent resistance. Regarded to successfully project the importance of nonviolent responses to a religious and needful crowd, he establishes his argument through seriousness,…
article, Why Civil Resistance Works, they challenge the view of violence being the most effective form of opposition. Their main argument is that nonviolent resistances’ are more successful. They state, “…nonviolent resistance is a forceful alternative to political violence that can pose effective challenges to democratic and non-democratic opponents and at times can do so more effectively than violent resistance” (Stephan and Chenoweth, 9). Nonviolence resistances are civilian based methods…
Nonviolent Resistance Essay Martin Luther King once said, “Through violence you may murder a hater, but you can't murder hate.” Nonviolent resistance is the conscious decision to publicly disobey an unjust law nonviolently with the knowledge that arrests and/or punishment is a potential risk. Authors such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi claim that nonviolent resistance is justified because the people have power to resist, and violence cannot alleviate tension, as fire can not extinguish…
not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people”. Fighting oppression has been an ongoing fight for hundreds for people for over hundreds of years, and there has always been an dispute about the best way to fight it. Oppression is cruel or unjust treatment to a certain group over a period of time, and people wonder, should we accept this or fight against this with nonviolence or violence. Nonviolent resistance is the best way to fight oppression…
I believe that a Peaceful resistance will always act as a positive impact on a free society.I feel that a peaceful/nonviolent resistance is the practice of achieving goals such as social change through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, without using violence. “You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right.” (Rosa Parks). In other words, you must not be afraid to defend your actions as long as your action are justifiable. Park's…
In his book "Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story", Martin Luther King Jr. states it best: "Nonviolent resistance was one of the most potent weapons available to oppressed people in their quest for social justice.(1)" Time and time again, throughout history, this has been proven true; civil disobedience can positively alter our nation's policies and sociological behavior. Not only do nonviolent protesting acts change certain legislation, like when the Court ruled 2-1 that the city’s bus…
society, and when two people could walk into the same restaurant and yet only one of them would be served. Today, any educated person can recognize the injustice present in these examples, yet many forget how this injustice was overcome. The truth can be found in the words of Martin Luther King Jr., “We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.” Without peaceful resistance to laws, the current society in which…
At the time, India was under the control of the British, who relentlessly taxed and unfairly treated the country. The taxation of simple goods, specifically salt, was what really sparked the march organized by Gandhi. In an article from American University’s website, titled, “Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr: Five Examples of Nonviolent, Civil Disobedience Worldwide” the author mentions multiple instances of civil disobedience working in the favor of the oppressed and talked about the effects of…