In the case of the 6 year old boy who shot his class mate to death, the backdrop story of the little boy suggests that both nature and nurture played a role in the boy’s action. Research on environmental influence on child development by Illinois State Board of Education concluded that poverty is the highest predictor of academic and social failure in America. The 6 year old child’s action is a manifestation of this research. There is no doubt that our environment play a role in our actions or behaviors. The little boy was raised in a toxic environment, and he pick up what he had learn from his environment. The gun and idea of using the gun to intimidate another student, is something the boy had learned from his environment. Nobody is born with a primitive knowledge of guns. His action was a definitely influenced by his toxic environment. As the saying goes, you sow…
Where are two people with practically identical genes found? In identical twins of course. The most scientifically accurate way of testing the impact that genetics have on a person’s beliefs, actions, personality, and other characteristics is through rearing a set of identical twins in two separate environments. Identical twins have the potential to become exactly the same person because they have almost the exact same genetic makeup. Discovering this was a total breakthrough for scientists…
President Teddy Roosevelt reached out to Bailey in 1908 after a guest speech to encourage him to expand his nature study movement by becoming a chairman of the National Commission of Country Life in 1908. This was a period where America was struggling with economics with the agriculture industry and Bailey’s views were crucial in helping refine the situation. Here Bailey was able to suggest his understanding of agriculture and nature to America. As a 50-year-old man, Bailey was well respected…
The famous discussion of nature vs. nurture was somewhat interrupted by the realization that both aspects, genetics and environment, have important input in individuals. By combining the studies of genetics and psychology it is possible to correlate results from the fields and search for possible, and hopefully specific, genes involved in the expression of certain traits. For instance, Poulin et al (2011) explored the relationship between receptor genes of oxytocin and vasopressin and prediction…
most fundamental question of psychology is whether or not behaviors and characteristics are a result of our genetics or the conditions our body is put in after birth. This nature versus nurture debate is far from being settled and forms the foundation of most behavioral studies. A common behavior studied is homosexuality, defined as, “love, desire, and/or sexual acts between people of the same sex” (Roof). The term homosexuality is derived from the Greek term “homos,” meaning “same” (Roof).…
encouraged my interest to study both society and crime and how they interconnect. Psychology and criminology will allow for me to further expand my interest in these two areas. The highly popular debate on whether a criminal is created through "nature or nurture" has sparked my interest as I believe that there are many underlying factors that go into making a ‘criminal’ and labels that are given to individuals can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy. Personally, the nurture argument is more…
Connectedness to Nature Among Adolescents Poor mental health and self-esteem often track throughout a lifetime, and those with low self-esteem have been shown to be less capable of coping with stressful life events and are more prone to depression and anxiety. Connection to nature has been shown to play a role in improving mental well-being, self-esteem, and happiness. While previous studies show a relationship between exposure to nature and improved well-being and overall health, most of those…
Introduction What is nature? On the surface, this might appear to be a very simple question, but it is actually very complex. Indeed, each person has their own concept of nature, and these concepts influence how we interact with the environment. Is nature something that is separate from society? Is it a place to “get away from it all?” Based on these questions, it is important to understand how nature shapes society and how society shapes nature. Between 1970 and 1990, coastal population in…
For billions of years, nature has dictated the survival and appearance of a species. However in Richard Louv’s Last Child in the Woods suggests that know we– human beings– are the ones changing the face of nature. Louv introduces the article with a study about controlling the color of butterfly wings then moving on to show the comparison between parks and advertising. Then, Louv transitions into a hypothetical example of a mother who did not want to buy backseat entertainment for her child and…
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of extensive connection of children with natural materials specifically vernacular wood within classrooms in relation to children’s development. In particular this study will address the following question that whether naturalizing children’s classrooms by the use of vernacular material, specifically wood, has any effects on children’s leaning in early learning years. Nature has a direct and positive influence on human beings. Human beings have…