Sceptical Essays Dr. Dominic Tierney’s recent article, “Why Has America Stopped Winning Wars” argues that since WWII, America’s war record is one win (Desert Storm) and four losses (Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq). United States’ leaders and key stakeholders often turn to academics like Dr. Dominic Tierney, PhD, Oxford, post-doctoral fellow, Ohio State University and Harvard. Dr. Tierney seemingly provides an expert-based and useful argument on America’s use of military power. Unfortunately, Tierney’s argument, whether right or wrong must be discarded because it is based on flagrant fallacies in logic. The argument’s most egregious logic fallacy is appeal to emotions. By definition, this fallacy is the use of emotionally charged language to distract readers from relevant reasons and evidence. Tierney uses death in war to distract his readers repetitively throughout his argument. Of this article’s 153 sentences, 46 or 30% vividly draw on the image of death. Death in war is tragic; it is the reason debate on the use of military power is so important. However, it is not evidence for the argument’s question, “Why Has America Stopped Winning Wars?” Rather, it is trickery to appeal to Americans’ decreased appetite for watching those who make the ultimate sacrifice. With his readers now emotionally charged, Tierney next shifts the meaning of key words in order to give the appearance of a stronger argument. Equivocation, Tierney’s second logic fallacy, is a “key word…
An arch of colored balloons marked the entrance with various carnival type games, like ring toss and Skee ball, that was spread throughout the street. Across the road was a station filled with children with butterflies and tigers painted across their faces . The smells of sugar and butter lingered through the air, while roaring Top 40’s music blasted throughout the night. The night was seemly going well, but unfortunately was cut short due to a gang threat. To further explain, a local gang heard…
Abortion is one of the most controversial and heated issues in the United States today. There are two different views on this controversy. There are those who are pro-choice, whom believe that woman have the right to choose to have an abortion or not. Then, there are those who are pro-life, whom believe that a fetus should have right to life. Marry Warren, the author of “Abortion is Morally Permissible”, falls under the category of being pro-choice. She believes any law that stops woman from…
In the essay The Law, Frederic Bastiat argues how the perversion of the law affects its subjects in an adverse manner. He describes the law as, in its proper form, organized justice. The perversion of the law includes the violation of natural, or God-given, rights, which are personality (life), property, and liberty. According to Bastiat, forced government interventions like e.g. taxation are perversions of the law, since in its pursuit to help one group, it infringes on the rights of another.…
to be the more understandable fallacy and therefore more used by society. The red herring fallacy is “committed by introducing an irrelevant topic to divert attention from the original issue being discussed.” (John Chaffee, 30). This one fallacy is often used to mislead people, to distract them and to escape the situations. For example, when your boss asks you, “Why are you late to work?” so your comeback is “Oh, girl! I love your shoes, where did you buy them? I’ve been trying to get similar…
In his essay “On the Want of Money” William Hazlitt draws comparisons between unpleasant circumstances and how they’re brought forth by the want of money / greed. There seems to be many unconnected pessimisms throughout the essay but they all relate to each other represented by the similarities in sentence structure. Hazlitt uses parallel structure to convey the idea that negative circumstances are united under one root cause: greed. Hazlitt draws an ironic connection between the want of money…
Figurative language is used throughout writing to help illustrate the author’s writing. One common form of figurative language is irony. When using irony in a poem, the reader may stop to reflect on the writing. This gives the reader a moment to determine if what they are reading has more than one meaning. Emily Dickinson uses irony throughout her poems in order to help get her point across. “I stepped from Plank to Plank” is an example of how she uses irony in poems. She talks about moving…
has a different way of expressing themselves, understanding and thinking depending on where they came from and where they live. Three articles talks about how our own comprehension and communication with other people around us can be affected by our language. In the article “Loaded Words” the author suggests reconsidering what labels we put on certain people. In “Lost in Translation” Lera Boroditsky demonstrates how the languages we use and speak may determine how we view at and perceive the…
Literature as the artifact of culture, it provides significant datum about the social setup and structure, mores and morals, religious ethos and orientation, trends and traditions, values and attitudes of a society in which a protagonist exists or struggles to exist (Spair-Whorf Hypothesis Chapter 1). It is language through which process of construction embarks on issues of identity, cultural, and ideology (Wykes and Gunter 2005:61). It aims to construct, deconstruct or reconstruct the worldview…
believe that the primary cause is neurological lies within the central nervous system (dystonia medical research foundation). Certain evidence leads researchers to believe that the problem begins jn basal ganglia, which controls involuntary muscle movement. Some individuals with a family history of dystonia are reported to be at a higher risk of developing spasmodic dysphonia. Other possible causes linked to the disorder are infections, traumatic brain injuries, or surgical procedures.…