Leonard Whiting

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    Franco Zeffirelli and Baz Luhrmann present two very distinct versions of the iconic balcony s c e n e f r o m W i l l i a m S h a k e s p e a r e ’ s R o m e o a n d J u l i e t . O n e i n t e r e s t i n g s i m i l a r i t y i s i n t h e m u s i c a n d h o w i t helps the scene along. The costumes are also similar, with similar colors representing characteristics of their relationship. The scenery of the Zeffirelli version, even with it being more true to the story, better suits the relationship. Despite the similarities in the use of crescendos and decrescendos in the music to advance the two interpretations of the scene, and the symbolism behind the costume choices, the way in which Zeffirelli uses setting to portray Romeo and Juliet’s relationship is much more authentic. The music in both film versions advances the scene with crescendos into louder music at more intense parts of the scene, and decrescendos at quieter parts of the scene. The accompaniment does a great job of mirroring the dialogue, as well as the setting. In Luhrmann’s more modern version, contemporary piano is used, while in Zeffirelli's version, a medieval pan flute is used. Both of these adaptations made the music more conducive to the realisticness of the scene, and the relationship. Both Juliets in the scenes are wearing white dresses, symbolizing purity and innocence. Their long hair, worn loose, adds to this theme of naivety. Both Romeos, on the other hand, wear blue, symbolizing boldness,…

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    Improved Essays
  • Superior Essays

    Death was an ongoing matter during the nineteen forties due to the events of WWII and the holocaust which brought a sense of darkness upon the world as a whole. The thought of despair and desolation was embedded in the mind’s of people as WWII lasted several years. The world witnessed the deadliest wars of all times with the loss of millions of lives. whether it was captured on the news, written in the papers or witnessed in reality, the whole world was alert to it. This brought a gloomy…

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    Superior Essays
  • Superior Essays

    For example, the males in The Big Bang Theory are all scientists. Leonard Hofstadter is an experimental physicist at Caltech in Pasadena, Sheldon Cooper works as a theoretical physicist at Caltech, Howard Wolowitz works as an aerospace engineer and former NASA astronaut at Caltech in Pasadena, and Raj Koothrappali is an Indian-born astrophysicist who lives in Pasadena and works at Caltech. Unfortunately, one of the main women characters in The Big Bang Theory is another story. Penny is a…

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    Superior Essays
  • Improved Essays

    The edits and revisions of Ayn Rand’s novella, Anthem, strengthen the message that collectivism is oppressive and objectivism is necessary for an individual to function. Rand’s edits of diction and sentence structure assist in developing the meaning of the novella. Ayn Rand, author of the novella Anthem, utilizes diction and sentence structure in order to develop the villainy of collectivism and the virtue of objectivism. Rand’s choice of diction in the edited novella complicates and confuses…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Symbolism in Anthem This story is about how the future could look like in communist Russia, it basically explains in detail what the people in the society are living and how they think of everyone as their brothers and how men can’t look at women and can’t keep their children with them, basically no one knows who their real family actually is in this society. Ayn Rand uses symbolism to show that Anthem truly belongs to dystopian literature by discussing light, names and freedom. As we have…

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    Improved Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Connor Boldt Mr. Storsveen Prep LIt and Comp. 1 November 2017 Anthem Essay I’m myself, not a label ( John Bunner). In this quote he means that don’t be put as a label and be who you want to be. Nobody can make the decision for who you are, you have to shape that. This is like Equality 7-2521, he doesn’t get to be who he wants to be. He is forced to be who they want him to be. He is not himself he is a label. In the book Anthem by Ayn Rand, Equality 7-2521 portrays his identity through…

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    Decent Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Orthodontics At Clear Lake Dental Care Having crooked teeth can ruin your smile. If you show your crooked smile to someone that you are associating with, it can change the way they look at you. A great example of this would be if you are in a job interview and show your potential boss your crooked smile. Even though it sounds shallow, a potential employer could look at you as a lesser candidate for the job if you have an unattractive smile. A crooked smile can affect you negatively in all areas…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Everyone is told to be themselves. In a society such as our own today, it is easier than ever to be your own person and express yourselves in your own way. Being an individual is something that is very important to people and to society. Although, in a book like Ayn Rand’s Anthem, individualism is taken from everyone and our main character strives for some expression of his own despite it being the greatest sin in his world. With a name like Equality 7-2521 you can tell that he is only being…

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    Improved Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Woolf Vs Petrunkevitch

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    “The Death of the Moth”, by Virginia Woolf, and “The Spider and the Wasp”, by Alexander Petrunkevitch, had both similar and different ways of expressing tones. Both Woolf's and Petrunkevitch's writing styles are similar. They both use descriptive imagery and details. Some examples of this in Petrunkevitch's essay are "the exasperated spider" and "soft membrane". Another example, this time in Woolf's essay, is "hay-coloured wings, fringed with a tassel of the same colour". These descriptive…

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    Decent Essays
  • Improved Essays

    The title character from Kurt Vonnegut’s short story “Harrison Bergeron” and the moth from Don Marquis’ poem “The Lesson of the Moth” have similar philosophies on life. To start with, Harrison and the moth’s deaths had meaningful purposes behind them. Harrison Bergeron met his demise by interrupting the ballet to remove his handicaps and dancing with a ballerina. By doing this, “Not only were the laws of the land were abandoned, but the laws of gravity and the laws of motion as well.” (Vonnegut…

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