5. What is Zinns basic criticism of historian Samuel Eliot Morison’s book Christopher Columbus? * Zinns basic criticism of the book is that Morison praises Columbus too much, he goes overboard. According to Zinn, Columbus was a bad guy. Zinn was more on the people’s side, and would have liked to see their view on things. 6. What major issues does Bartolome de las Casas bring up regarding Spanish expeditions in the Caribbean? * Bartolome brings up the treatment of the native people by the Spaniards. He tells about the living styles and what kind of people the Indians were. He also says that the Spaniards grow more and more conceited. He described how the natives died, disappeared, and were killed by the Spaniards. 7. Identify one early and one subsequent motive that drove Columbus to oppress indigenous people. * Gold was a sign of wealth. Columbus was greedy and tried every way to get his hands on as much as he can. He also wanted to find a shorter route to India. He imprisoned Arawak people because he thought that they would lead him to whatever he wanted. 8. What was the ultimate fate for the Arawak…
stories distracting us from them. Howard Zinn (51) argues that there is no such thing as impartial history, there is always two sides to every story. All history is partial because no matter who tells it, all the details cannot be accounted for. Things are often left out or diverted from and what is told is often only a small portion of what actually happened. It is also partial because information is either emphasized…
History of the United States chapters 1-8 by Howard Zinn. He writes about historic key points in which some history recollections doesn’t truly paint the truth of what happened, why it happened, and how we look at it now with newer, more open minded hindsight. Some of the most important points that Zinn brings to light in his book is that history is never truly written until after the fact and that fact is, history is written by those who deem it fit. With a vision that can at times distort the…
With the issue of dealing with the community as a whole and whether or not the individual is central to progress should also bring up the matter of equality. For the topic of equality Howard Zinn and Mary Beth Norton are the authors to look at specifically because of the fact that they wrote from the standpoint that most writers don’t consider; the lesser of the ranks. Howard Zinn describes the rebellions against Britain which required the Americas to develop a military; the issue with this…
Maribel Vicente History 1302 Railroad Strike of 1877 In the year 1877, the Baltimore & Ohio station in West Virginia, workers suffered a serious wage cut. Determined to fight the wage cut workers went on strike, and actions of the rebellious workers spread through other states. Historians Howard Zinn, Brian P. Luskey, and Nick Salvatore, analyzed why the strike was an important time period. During this time period, it was known as the gilded age were only the strong survive and the weak…
Each side has their own opinions, reasons, and understanding of the events. Both versions might and should always hold some sort of truth. But usually, only the version of the side that wins is told and heard. Howard Zinn is the author of A People’s History of the United States , a book in which the version of history told is from the losing and oppressed side. In a section of his book, he writes about the history of the early Spanish conquest and settlement in the Americas. This is a well-known…
reviewing the evolution of my worldview, Howard Zinn’s The Politics of History comes to mind. His book is a collection of case studies and essays that argue for a radical approach to the past. Zinn’s work changed the way I saw my purpose in life. I had originally planned to enter a field in science, despite my passion for history and the Humanities. In an age where the college degree had lost its traditional value, STEM fields seemed to me like the only practical route to success. However, Zinn…
Howard Zinn was one of the most well known American historians in recent history. His A People’s History of the United States is a best-seller that routinely sells more than one hundred thousand copies every year, despite being published 35 years ago. Zinn was born in 1922, the son of two Jewish factory workers. He was introduced to literature at an early age, and studied creative writing in a special program at his high school. Zinn joined the US Army Air Force during World War II and became a…
Gordon S. Wood and Howard Zinn are both brilliant professors whom are great and entertaining writers. Beside the facts that they see the origins of the American Revolution with different views. One argues that the true origins of the American War were a social revolution while the other argues that it was a war used by colonial elites for their own personal gains for power and status. And I felt Howard Zinn and his arguments were better presented due to the fact that he gave a different…
Howard Zinn’s book was more reasonable, due to the fact that it gives information about the bad things that happened to the United States. His story explains what Christopher Columbus has done. Columbus wanted the Arawaks to be his slaves because of how built they are, they cut themselves for ignorance, and Columbus notice that their weapons were not made of iron. The book by Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen explains of how great the United States is, but do not know what kind of violence that…