search for love in her later life (Massie, 6). Catherine the Great rose to power and became the ruler of Russia in 1762. Catherine’s rise to power began…
Assignment 2 Complete the following questions and turn in assignment 2 via Sakai and outlook. Read chapter 3 (pp. 46-71) and answer the following questions. Please, don 't copy from the book; explain your answers using your own words: 1. Explain the background of Peter the Great and his curiosity with respect to the military and technological innovations. What did he do to fight Russia 's military backwardness? Peter the Great used different international specialists to learn different skills,…
On July 16, 1918, in Yekaterinburg, Russia, Tsar Nicholas II, his wife and his five children, along with his loyal servants, descended downstairs and gathered together for a family photo shoot. However, the family photoshoot turned out to be a deceptive trick created by a communist leader, Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik troops to lure the royal Russian family, the Romanovs, out of hiding and to end Russia’s monarchical rule. Once the Romanovs and their servants made themselves known…