Planarians are triploblastic acoelomates, meaning they have three tissue layers, ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm (Newmark and Alvarado, 2001). Their epidermal layer that surrounds the planarian is ciliated on the ventral surface (Newmark and Alvarado, 2001). Underneath the epidermal layer and the basal lamina, followed by a complex wall musculature that surrounds the body. The complex wall muscle is composed of the circular diagonal and muscle fibers (Newmark and Alvarado, 2001). The nervous system contains two ventral nerve cores. The nerve cores are aggregated in the anterior part of the planarian to form the cerebral ganglia that are connected to two ventral longitudinal nerve cords, which are interconnected with the lateral commissures, and a submuscular nervous plexus (Newmark and Alvarado, 2001, Wenemoser, 2011). The function of the cerebral ganglia is to process information that was received from the sensory structures (Newmark and Alvarado, 2001). Examples are; photoreceptors, rheoreceptors, and chemoreceptors (Newmark and Alvarado, 2001). Planarians, do not have a circulatory system or respiratory structures, their gas exchange relies completely upon diffusion to provide them with the required amount of oxygen (Newmark and Alvarado, 2001, Wenemoser, 2011).…
Recently microbeads have been causing more than just smooth skin. Microbeads have become the world's favorite part of waking up in the morning and falling asleep at night. Microbeads are 1 to 5 millimeter plastic balls found in face scrubs, exfoliating hand soaps and toothpaste. Arielle Pardes, an assisting editor at Vice Media says, “Microbeads became a national issue a few years ago. The problem with the beads is their material: They’re made of non-biodegradable plastic and when they get…
“to create” (Brown, 2015). The word cereal refers to all types of grains. Gramineae, are cereal grain seeds relative to the grass family. The grain kernel, or berry, is called the caryopsis; which is the edible part of the plant. Caryopses are individual kernels or grains found in all grasses (Brown, 2015). Each caryopsis contains a husk, bran, endosperm, and germ. A husk, also known as the chaff, is the protective outer layer of a grain. It protects the grain from environmental damages like…
of bran with the endosperm attached go through a second break roll. This bran is then put through the milling process once more to allow for a separation of the flour, bran, and wheat germ. This completes the process of wheat germ, bran (whole grain), and white flour (Maxwell & Holohan…
All companies have their tricks to make you buy their product. Some companies like to draw you in with advertisements and the promise of their product to be good for you. Companies like General Mills and Kellogg’s use another trick that fools every day people into buying their products. What General Mills and Kellogg’s do is on the food labels of their product, they put different forms of measuring ingredients that might not be as good for you than it should be. The two biggest measurements used…
century was marred by discovery after discovery on how the natural world was degrading at fastest rate than previously thought. All the while, voters in the USA supported candidates that advocated for the weakening of the Clean Air Act, turned a blind-eye towards preserving clean water, and offered more flexibility in bypassing regulations that specifically blocked deforestation. This dangerous combination has led to where the human condition finds itself today. Despite an aim to rectify…
(Welsh n.d.) As a result of these harmful impacts, the Montreal Protocol has taken the liberty in phasing out the manufacturing and use of CFC’s, a prime example of evidence-based policy making. This can be seen in Appendix C, Graph 1 (from UNEP Ozone Secretariat) which depicts the deadlines for production and consumption of Ozone depleting substances such as CFCs, Halons, Methyl chloroform, HCFCs, and many more. These organic compounds, CFCs, contain carbon, chlorine, and fluorine, produced…
Multiplexing and Downward Multiplexing? The Upward Multiplexing strategy is used by the transport layer to group transport connection base on their destinations. By mapping the groups to the minimum number of network connection, this application is very beneficial especially when the network connections get…
What have you ever had tried making or doing but can't seem to get it right .Many people sharpen a pencil or make the bed everyday but are doing it and making mistakes and maybe can never get it right or the way they want it. One thing that I've made almost everyday but can't seem to make it right.This thing is a task we always do everyday to have something to eat it's very delicious and I love it so much.What I'm going to show you how to make is a Peanut-butter and Jelly sandwich. I have…
articles, I was struck by the ability of the ocean to self regulate. It was stated how a single degree of change of the ocean climate has dramatic effects, yet in this case no observable change occurred. The impact of a billion pound oil spill was unable to increase the CH4 in the ozone; a known greenhouse gas was controlled and mitigated. While this is the case, the ocean’s response to the oil spill proved how much we as the global population have trashed the environment. What other harmful…