The City of Evanston presents an interesting case study into the relationship between universities and the cities in which they reside. Evanston, a suburb of Chicago, is located in Cook County, Illinois and is the home to Northwestern University, a major research university. Northwestern’s 240-acre campus sits right outside the city’s central business district and serves more than 16,000 students. With the majority of the 8,000 undergraduate students living in on-campus housing or in the vicinity of the campus , Northwestern students are an integral part of the Evanston community. Evanston encompasses six zip codes, however, for the purpose of examining the complex town-gown relationship, this paper will focus primarily on the 60201 zip code,…
back home and his father demanded him to stay in Chicago. On the other hand, according to Biss, she didn’t seem to mind the fact that she had to leave her old home and go live in Chicago. This part of Chicago that Biss and her husband moved to was once known as “No-Man’s-Land.” She was hired to teach at the university in Evanston which is in proximity to the neighborhood of Rogers Park. Since Rogers Park had such a reputation of violence within it, as soon as she moved there she was warned by…
This matter involves a class action lawsuit filed against Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Corporation. The lawsuit, which was originally filed in 2007, is brought as a class action on behalf of all persons and entities that paid for inpatient and hospital-based outpatient healthcare services from Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Corporation at Highland Park Hospital, Glenbrook Hospital and Evanston Hospital. (Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Corporation changed its name to NorthShore…
No one had known that on August 4th, 1961, an individual was born that would one day inspire the world. Barack Hussein Obama Jr. was born in Honolulu, Hawaii to parents Ann Dunham, an elementary teacher whom later on received her PhD in anthropology, and Barack Hussein Obama Sr., an economist in the Kenyan government. Mr. Obama Jr. is a descendent of a line of strong, independent people. His grandfather, Stanly Dunham, was a World War II veteran and his grandmother worked to become the first…
“Oh Captain! My Captain!” is about a son who is attempting to inform his father about good news, unaware that his father has just passed away in a battle. Walt Whitman, the author of “Oh Captain! My Captain!” laments over the loss of his hero, Abraham Lincoln and viewed him as the greatest president in United States History. Whitman saw a “grand tragedy that promised ultimate purgation and unification for America” in the death of Lincoln (Reynolds). Because of this view on President Lincoln,…
Dorothea Dix was at a young age relatively in charge of keeping house and taking care of her younger siblings due to her mother’s crippling depression and likely other mental illnesses and her father’s abusive achollisim. While her mother likely being her first and most formative experience with mental illness, she was in no way her last. Having always had a fascination with the mentally ill Dorothea took a teaching position at the East Cambridge Women’s prison where she was shocked to see the…
No matter your stance on President Obama or his administration, many would agree that he can passionately deliver a great speech. With 2016 being the finale of his 8-year term, the upcoming State of the Union address will be the last one of Obama’s presidency. As he prepares to address the country on Tuesday, January 12 at 9 p.m. ET, many Americans from all sides of the political spectrum are preparing to watch the President’s final formal speech online. The word on the White House streets is…
In this case presentation it focuses on research on stem cells to find possible ways to cure many disease. A group of scientists created a line of stem cells out of human embryos that could be used for genetic engineering research in November 1998. When George W. Bush became president he received immense pressure to ban the funding and research for stem cell research, and it led him to ban the proposed funding for the research. To support his actions Bush argued that the stem cells found by the…
The comment that draws the most partisan response is when the President states, “how we secured the freedom in every state to marry the person we love.” Republicans are conservative and thus, most refused to cheer for this, unlike the Democrats. How is the President’s presentation? President Obama seems to be cool and collected throughout the whole address. He does not seem to be nervous or scared about what he is addressing, as shown by his body language. His body language emphasizes the…
Prior to 19th century, mental illness was viewed as a criminal act rather than an involuntary affliction, until one woman’s persistence changed the world’s perception of mental health. Dorothea Dix was an author, teacher, and reformer renowned for her strides in the improvement of treatment for the mentally insane. In her early years, she indulged her passion for learning through a career in teaching and encouraged women to pursue an education. In her later years, the hints of rebellious…