earth. Following the Japanese capture of the capital of the Republic of China on December 13, 1937, the Japanese launched a campaign of violence unlike any other. Chinese civilians were slaughtered by the thousands in some of the most violent ways possible, eventually killing up to 350,000 people in just a little over six weeks. Chinese men were used for bayonet practice, decapitation contests, or were soaked with gasoline and burned alive. Tens of thousands of women were raped by Japanese soldiers, who then took their violence one step further by disemboweling the women, slicing off their breasts, and nailing them to the walls while they were still alive. Fathers and sons were forced to rape their daughters and mothers. Live burials, disembowelment, and the setting of people on fire became a normal sight in the city of Nanking during the six-week period producing so many bodies that they were left in piles in the streets for months. By early February, the majority of the massacre had concluded, and Nanking was declared a Safety Zone although it was still under Japanese control. Shortly after Japan’s World War II surrender, the International Military Tribunal for the Far East began trials for those involved, and attempted to grasp the concept of why this happened. The Japanese had three main factors to justify their action. The first was the transfer of oppression, the second was decades of propaganda and education portraying the inferiority of the Chinese people, and the…
in her benefits, but the actions of little red are much different, because she trying to help her grandma. Now the bear family is back, they walked in and saw their three bowls of food had been eaten out of. And that one of there chairs are broken, so they went upstairs to see a girl with golden hair is sleeping in the baby bears bed. Then she woke up and scream bloody murder, and ran away into the woods. Here is a similarity, their were both in the woods scared. now lets get into the…
Voltaire’s Candide is something that we can look at today and notice how the people that are around Candide fall into a stereotype. The main people that will be looked at is Pangloss, Cunegonde, Paquette, and Martin. Stereotypes are can be both good and bad. Most of the people in Candide however seem to only reflect the bad stereotypes in my opinion. Yet because of some of the things that they have been through can make it very understandable why they are the way they are. Cunegonde is…
Between a small camper variety drug store and a dilapidated tent lit by skull shaped torches, I set up my tent and developed an itinerary. Nearly finished setting up my tent, one of my tent neighbors approached asking if I needed any help, I thanked her but declined. She then invited me to a séance which I promised I’d attend only if I were not the one being sacrificed. It was un-clear whether or not I would be sacrificed later that evening, so I set out to see what this carnival-like gathering…
Recently, people have had a fascination with the paranormal, mainly vampires. From books to movies to television shows, people have found very different ways to view these blood sucking creatures of the night. As the years have gone by, new stories were created and more lore was added to the original folklore. And the beginning of this appeal began in both fifteenth century Wallachia and eighteenth century England. Prince Vlad III of Wallachia, also known as Vlad the Impaler, was a clever…
An example of an ideal that is unacceptable in our culture would be Japan’s view on suicide. Seppuku or hara-kiri is the term for self-disembowelment, which is considered an honorable practice in Japan. This cultural practice derived from Samurais. Samurais would commit Seppuku to maintain or prevent losing his honor for both himself and his family (MartiniF). The suicide rate in Japan is extremely high because the people still follow that custom and believe it to be more honorable to kill…
To them, fighting doesn't seem to be valiant and honorable like it might be to Henry. Instead, Williams states that those who die fighting should burden the king's conscious because they don't deserve to killed in Henry's imperial quest. There will be gore and disembowelment, children without fathers, and debts left unpaid if many soldiers are to die in the battle of Agincourt. "But if the cause be not good, the king himself hath a heavy reckoning to make, when all those legs and heads, chopped…
captured and become a prisoner of war, then they will instantly lost their dignity as a warrior. The ancient Samurai tradition of Seppuku, also called Harakiri, a ritualized form of voluntary suicide, has been traditionally regarded in Japanese culture as a tragic yet honorable way for a Samurai who lose the battle or failed to accomplish the mission, symbolizing the pain brought on by defeat. In committing the full process of Seppuku, the Samurai methodically disembowels himself by using a…
The Samurai is a very formidable warrior in Japan, wielding many weapons including the Naginata, Katana, bow and arrow and spear. Samurai means one who serves. Unwavering loyalty is expected from these warriors who only practice martial arts. Whether it be to their Daimyo, lord or Emperor they were expected to put their life down before the enemy was able to reach their leader. Honor is one of the biggest and most important of Samurai beliefs. It is more commonly referred to as Bushido. Without…
slaves and raped. The goal was “integration, pacify and acculturate cultures” (“Acts of Genocide Committed Since the Adoption of the Convection on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in 1951”). Between 1982 and 1983, there was a “silent Holocaust” in Guatemala, around 200,00 were murdered (“Guatemala: The Silent Holocaust”). These groups destroyed around 600 communities. They had a “Scorched Earth Policy”. They would burn all the foo, villages, livestock, and any religious…