A Streetcar Named Desire

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    Streetcar Named Desire

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    A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams, is a playwright that posses multiple themes and motifs. Desire is obviously the central theme of the play, hence the name, A Streetcar Named Desire. Frequently, throughout the play each character seems to be driven by some form of desire; the following quotes will exam the central idea of, desire. the most prominent character in the play that follows their desire is Blanche. Blanche desperately tries to deny her desires; however, desire is the emotion that motivates and drives her, quite literally in fact, when her desire causes her to be driven out of town. Blanche cannot figure out the right way of handling her feelings; she is constantly either restraining or chasing her desire. She countlessly…

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    Streetcar Named Desire

    • 1157 Words
    • 5 Pages

    The idealistic view of pure true love that Blanche harbours is in stark contrast to Stella’s animalistic urges of desire and this underlying theme of love in conflict with desire is present throughout the play. ‘Haven’t you ever ridden that streetcar?’ Stella is freely admitting to being driven purely by desire and such a confession brings to light her dependency on these sexual urges and Stanley in a very unhealthy way. This is portrayed through her amusement and dismissal of Stanley’s violent…

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    Stoleru Ioana – Ancuța English A, 3rd year The Function of Music in “A Streetcar Named Desire” Music has always played an important role in arts, but when found in literature, it can either function as a means of characterization (speaking volumes about certain characters) or as a mood setter, helping the reader adjust to the atmosphere of the literary work. “Music is so much a part of our lives that its presence in literature can help readers relate to fictional situations and characters.”…

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  • Improved Essays

    StreetCar Named Desire is a realist play written by Tennessee Williams in 1947. The play is set in New Orleans after the second world war. StreetCar Named desire can be interpreted in many different ways as it has several themes which are open ended. Some of the main themes in StreetCar Named Desire are the clash between the two world, New America vs. Old America, Conflict between Classes. Much of the story, characters were found in Williams’s drama was mined from the playwright’s own life.…

    • 772 Words
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    Within the last hundred years, American women were given the right to vote. It was understood that a woman was more than the property of the male authorities in her life. She had just as much right to have her voice heard. Moreover, women now have the opportunity to make a living for themselves; they do not have to be dependent on men for survival. Society began to realize that women were capable of being more than a homemaker; that the idea of a woman wanting more from life than just being a…

    • 1385 Words
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  • Improved Essays

    The play, written by Tennessee Williams, “A Streetcar Named Desire,” is rife with illusion and misdirection of character development. The protagonist of the story, Blanche Dubois is on the surface the epitome of a southern lady. Due to the loss of the ancestral home, Belle Reve in Laurel she is reduced to seeking shelter with her sister Stella and husband Stanley who live in an impoverished section of New Orleans. Blanche superficially may represent a delicate well-bred southern lady, but behind…

    • 359 Words
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  • Improved Essays

    Tennessee Williams wrote his play A Streetcar Named Desire in a time where women were heavily oppressed by the patriarchal society in which they lived. While men were seen as the superior gender, women were constantly undermined and expected to stay at home to raise their family rather than go out and pursue their own jobs or independent lifestyles. Throughout the play, the reader can observe the downfall of a character like Blanche DuBois who was nothing like the idealistic conservative female…

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  • Improved Essays

    “A Streetcar named Desire” is a compelling play by Tennessee Williams in which the central character is insecure and flawed. The play is set in New Orleans in the 1940s, Blanche Dubois arrives at her sisters house after losing the family home through her promiscuous past. William makes Blanches insecurities clear through his use of characterisation, conflict, symbolism, key scenes and staging. Blanche's entire life has been affected by a tragic event. At sixteen she married to a boy called…

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  • Improved Essays

    Tennessee Williams’ play A Streetcar Named Desire is provocative and goes in depth with the lives of his poor creatures. The looming theme throughout the story is the tragedy and cruelty that is experienced or caused by those in Williams’ Elysian Fields. Although I feel a general sympathy for many of the characters and their circumstances, Blanche’s hardships are clearly outlined and plentiful, leading to a deep sympathy for her. Tennessee Williams’ makes Blanche’s unwarranted, selfish and…

    • 647 Words
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    Colors and Music in a Streetcar Named Desire Tennessee Williams Fatima Harb 39907 Lebanese University/ Master 1 Comparative literature Abstract A Streetcar Named Desire is a play written by American playwright Tennessee Williams in 1947. In his play, Williams shed the light on the differences between classes in that age, through certain symbols, such as colors and music. The colors chosen by…

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