In Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Characters are put to the test and exposed for their true nature. Throughout the play one is aware of Helena’s true nature, a desperate woman in the need of attention from the object of her affection, Demetrius. Consistently, Helena betrays the people she loves, while she masks up her flaws and her timidities, she shows all of this while disputing with Helena. She show’s a need for attention because she has insecurities filling her up. She is filled with jealousy since she believes she is not as attractive as Helena. She follows Demetrius in her heart and through the forest, she fanaticizes him as more of an idol than anything else. Helena is in desperate need of his approval and fantasizes and…
Helena is one of the most courageous characters in this entire story. Demetrius, the man that Helena loves is going into the woods searching for Hermia, the women he was supposed to marry. However, unluckily for him, she ran off with the man whom she loved, Lysander. When Demetrius ran away to find Hermia, Helena ran after him. What made this so dangerous is that Demetrius didn’t like Helena at all; in fact he rather loathed her. If Helena got into trouble with a wild beast or muggers, there was…
the play, A Midsummer night’s dream by William Shakespeare himself presents Helena as a confused woman. Helena visualises herself being ridiculed by two men. Those two men are Lysander and Demetrius. She also recognises the source of the ridiculeness to be teasing of her beauty and emotions. She realise that Hermia has persuaded both Lysander and Demetrius to tease her by using her beauty to convince them. She believes that Hermia now hates her. This humungous tangle is caused by a fairy named…
love. One can infer that love is hurtful by how Helena reacts to love in a foolish manner and remains skeptical about it even near the end of the play. The strong effects of love makes Helena a bit foolish and blind in the ways she reacts to it. In scene one of act one, the readers learn that Helena still loves Demetrius even though he loves her friend, Hermia, now. When Helena is first introduced, she demonstrates her jealousy and insecurities by asking Hermia for some of her beauty to win…
The exposition - There are preparations being made for the wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta. Hermia loves Lysander, Lysander loves Hermia, Demetrius loves Hermia, Helena loves Demetrius, and no one loves Helena. Hermia's father, Egeus, wants Hermia to marry Demetrius or be put to death according to law or live the rest of her days as a nun. The rising action - Titania and Oberon quarrel. Lysander and Hermia run off together and get lost in the woods and Demetrius and Helena…
In Act 1 Scene 1, Helena initially tries to rationalize his attitude towards her by reminding herself that,“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,” And despite recognizing that Demetrius’s judgement and perception of her is skewed by his love for Hermia, Helena can’t help but believe that it’s partly true because of the fact that he’s said it countless times to the point that it she feels like there has to be another reason for his attitude towards her. Later on in the play she tells…
Title Friendship is a very complicated relationship, every friendship has it ups and down, but when somebody betrays the other the friendship never stays the same. In the book Midsummer Night's Dream, William Shakespeare expresses how betraying someone affects their friendship. The book takes place in ancient greece, the main characters: Hermia, Lysander, Helena, and Demetrius, are struggling to found out there personal relationships. Lysander and Demetrius love Hermia, Hermia loves Lysander,…
“... thou yet latched the Athenian’s eyes with the love juice, as I did bid thee do?” (William, Act 3. Sc 2). This shows us another idea. In this we see that the goal is to fulfill someone else’s desire for love. Later, there is a huge chaotic mix up in Oberon’s wishes and both Lysander and Demetrius fall in love with Helena. Robin Goodfellow is forced to fix it and then only Demetrius is the man in love with Helena, ”The man shall have his mare again, and all shall be well” (William,…
and single life.” (1.1.70-71/1.1.91-94) After Theseus tells Hermia of her options she decided she wanted to run away with Lysander. Helena comes in and complains on how Demetrius loves Hermia instead of her and this also gave Hermia and Lysander a new reason to flee. On their journey to run away from a strict kingdom they cut through the woods in which Oberon and his fairies operated. As Hermia and Lysander slept there for the night. The very mischievous Robin Goodfellow poured the magic flower…
All of the characters in Act 1 of A Midsummer Night’s Dream demonstrate affection in their own ways. Whether this be by fawning over the other, being overprotective, or by copying someone’s actions, they all show their love for the other character. Everyone has their own definition of love. Lysander probably knows it as a beautiful, romantic battle to win over his woman, while Eguas knows it as a difficult balance between his daughter’s happiness, and what he thinks is best for her. The…