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32 Cards in this Set

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Who was Swami Vivekananda?
Introduced yoga in Parliament in Chicago and ended up being most popular diplomat. He traveled and attracted many students to yoga.
How old is yoga?
Who had the greatest impact on Western Yoga?
Sri Krishnamacharya- father of modern yoga. He codified asanas for the west, but never crossed the ocean.
Who were his students and what were their contributions?
B.K.S. Iyengar- style of yoga, with alignment and props.
Pattabhi Jois- Ashtanga Yoga (Mysore Yoga) -
Indra Devi- “First Lady of yoga” taught to celebrities
T.K.V. Desikachar- increased connection of yoga with science. Brought resurregence of hatha yoga.
What are the different paths of yoga?
Raja yoga- physical and mental control
Karma Yoga- yoga of selfless action
Bhakti yoga- yoga of devotion
Jnana yoga- yoga of discernment or knowledge
What is the eight limb path?
Yama- ethical standards, universal practice
Niyama- self discipline, spiritual observance
Asana- physical postures
Pranayama- breath control
Pratyahara- withdrawal of senses
Dharana- concentration
Dhyana - meditation
Samadhi- enlightenment
What are the yamas, list them.
- Ahimsa: non-violence,
- Satya: truth in word & thought.
- Asteya: non-covetousness,
- Brahmacharya: celibacy. Self-restraint
- Aparigraha: non-possessiveness, non-coveting
- What are the niyamamas?
• Shaucha: cleanliness of body & mind.
• Santosha: satisfaction; satisfied with what one has.
• Tapas: austerity and associated observances for body discipline & thereby mental control.
• Svadhyaya: study of the Vedic scriptures to know about God and the soul, which leads to introspection on a greater awakening to the soul and God within,
• Ishvarapranidhana: surrender to (or worship of) God.
- Where did the Bhagavad Gita come from?
Oldest yoga book which came from the Mahabharata and contains teachings on karma yoga, bhakti yoga, allegory as given by Krishna to Prince Arjuna on the battlefield 3500 years ago.
- What are the koshas (sanscript) and what are they?
Annamaya- physical body
Pranamaya- energy/emotional
Manomaya- lower mental body
Vijnanamaya- higher intellectual body
Anandamaya- bliss body
- Name the vayus
Prana vayu – upward flow- from the diaphragm to the base of the throat
Apana vayu- downward flow- from the naval to the feet
Samana vayu- center out, circular- space from the navel to diaphragm
Udana vayu – from the base of the throat to the top of the head
Vyana vayu- in all directions to each cell
- What are the Nadis?
Channels of energy where prana or vital force flow
- What are the three major Nadis?
Sushumna nadi- spinal chord
Pingala nadi- right- solar (sun), Fire, masculine (yang) (ha)
Ida Nadi- (left-lunar)- moon (tha) water, feminine, (yin)
- Define Kundalini
Dormant or static cosmic energy, depicted as a coiled snake lying at the base of the sushumna nadi, at the Muladhara chakra, it is awakened by pranayama and other practices.
- Name seven chakras
1st- Muladhra- perineum- Earth- Lam
2nd- Swadhisthana- sacram- water- Vam
3rd- Manipura- Solar Plexus- Fire- Ram
4th- Anahata- Heart- Air- Yam
5th- Vishuddha- Throat- Space- Ham
6th- Ajna- Third eye- Space- Om (voiced)
7th- sahashrara- crown- space- om
7th chakra
7th- Sahashrara- crown of head- space- Om (unvoiced)
- What are the three major bandhas?
Moola bandha – Root Lock
Uddiyana Bhanda- Abdominal Lock
Jalandhara bandha- Throat lock
- What is the technique when you engage all three?
Maha Bhandra
- What is pranayama?
Pranayama is a conscious practice of the control of breath. Breathing in combination with the bandhas (locks) are used to direct the flow of energy. Conscious regulation of this flow releases the untapped energy at the base of shushumna.
- Different ratios and their name?
Samavritti- equal breathing
Visamavritti- unequal breathing ratio
- List a few cooling/calming breaths
Langhana- Lengthening exhale- good with forward bends
Seethali- Rolled tongue, inhale through mouth
Siktari- top of tongue on upper plate, inhale through mouth with hissing sound
- Heating/Expansive
Bhastrika (breath of fire) bellows breath
Bhramana- lengthening inhale- good for backbends
Ujjayi- victorious breath
Bhramari- humming bee breath
- Detoxifying breaths
Uddiyana breath- breathing with navel lock
Kapalbhati- skull shining breath
Simhasana- lion’s breath
- What two techniques should NOT be practiced according to Lauren?
- Kalapbhati and nadi shodhana
Meditation, experimentation of the subtle doorway to samadhi
- What are the three primary doshas and what element makes us each dosha?
Vata: space and air, mobility, cold, dry, rough, light in weight, irregularity
Pitta: Fire and water, hot, sharp, oily, spreading, mobile
Kapha: water and earth, heavy, wet, stable, steady
- one’s true nature of constitution
The nature of imbalance
- What are the three main Hindu “gds?
Brahma - Creator
Vishnu - Preserver
Shiva- Destroyer
- What are the seed mantras for each chakra?
Om (voiced)
Om (unvoiced)
battle within between good and evil
4 yoga sutras:
Samadhi pada- portion on contemplation. Outlines path leading to yoga. refers to blissful state where the yogi asbsorbed into one. Describes the nature of yoga
Sadhana pada- chapter referring to the practice and discipline of yoga using kriyas and ashtanga.
Vibhuti pada- chapter referring to accomplishments. He talks about ability to acquire power and the by by products of practicing yoga such as meditation, contemplation, and concentration.
Kaivalya pada- chapter referring the the goal of yoga which is absoluteness, liberation, he discusses ways to develop psychic powers and be free.