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24 Cards in this Set

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Ferment,fermented. Fermentation. Fermentative. Fermenter.

يخمر. التخمير. مخمر. المخمر

Thank you don't ferment any beverage



Knead the dough

Place,placed.place. take place.in the first place. All over the place. take someone's place. in place of something.

يضع،يضع بعناية. مكان او بيت. يقع أو يحدث. في المركز الأول.فيكل انحاء. يحل محل. بدلا من.

The meeting will take place next week. You will take my place tonight. I use honey in place of suger.

Expand,expanded. Expansion

يمدد أو يوسع . التمديد

The industry has expanded their filed in last period.

Feed,fed. Feed on,fed on

يطعم، يتغذى على

Most animals feed on leave of trees

Invent, invented. Invention. Inventor. Inventory.

يخترع. اختراع. مخترع. الجرد

I don't invent the wheel

Brew,brewed. Brew. Brewer

يصنع خمر. الجاع. مصنع أو شخص يصنع خمر

He brewed some coffee for us

Breed,bred. Breed. Breeder

يربي حيوان أو يتناسل أو يتوالد. سلالة أو صنف. مربي حيوان

They bred the dog when they were children . The animals still breed. They are a rare breed of cats

Specialize, specialized. Specialist. Special. Specially

يتخصص.، متخصص. خاص ،خصوصا

I specialized work in the bank

Harvest, Harvested. Harvest

يحصد. المحصول

They harvested the crop

Digest,digested. Digestion

يهضم أو يستوعب. الهضم أو الاستيعاب

Have you digested the case

Preserve,preserved. Preservation

يحفظ أو يحمي. الحفظ

Preserve your life for your son



Organism. Organic. Organ

كائن حي . عضوي او حيوي . عضو أو اورج

Fungus, fungi


Unless. I won't call you unless there are any problems

الا اذا



Batch. The store has batch of new book


Evidence. Give evidence. Evident. Evidently

دليل. يدلي بشهادة. واضح أو جلي. بوضوح

They gave evidence in the court.



Ancestor. Ancestral

سلف. لهو علاقة بالاسلاف

My ancestor come from ireland. Ancestral things are preserved in the safe place

Ordinary. Out of ordinary

عادي . غير عادي

Their relationship was a bit out of the ordinary.

Tart. It's a bit tart


Genuine. Genuinely

اصلي او حقيقي . بشكل حقيقي