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18 Cards in this Set

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Chemical reaction

a change in which one or more substances are converted into new substances (arrange atoms)

What is the law of conservation of mass

matter cannot be either created or destroyed but can be conserved (total starting mass- mass of all reactants equals the final mass of all the products)

What do bonds do in exothermic

-what happens to energy

Bonds break-> energy is relased

what does the substance feel like in exothermic


What is the defintion of exothermic

Reaction occurs when energy is relased from the system into the surrondings

what are some examples of exothermic

1. wood burning

2. rusting

3. dynamite

what do the bonds do in endothermic

- what happens to the enrgy

new bonds form -> energy is absorbed

what do substances feel like in endothermic

substances feel cold

what is the defintion of endothermic

Reaction occurs when the energy is absorbed from the surrounding in the form of heat

what i the equaton for endothermic

reactants + energy = produced

what are some signs of a chemical reaction

Color change, increase, decrease in temperature, gas produced, bubbles. change in properties, new substance, change in: density, smell, taste, melting points formation of gas, temperature, sound, light, heat, or precipation


liquids come together to form a solid

what is the source of chemical energy

stored within molecules that can be released when a substnance reacts

what does every chemical reaction need



substance that reacts


new product


speeds up chemical reeaction


slows down chemical process