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30 Cards in this Set

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What are the three most common types of turbine starters

DC electric starter, electric starter in generator, pneumatic or air turbine starter

Which type of starter does not require a gear reduction system

Electrical starter / generator

What type of Maintenance would be approved for a DC electrical starter

Remove and replace brushes or entire unit

Which type of turbine engine starter has a integral oil supply

Pneumatic starter

What are the three main events in their correct order to perform when starting a turbine engine

Starter, ignition, fuel

What are the three types of turbine starter malfunctions

Hot start, hung start, wet start

What aircraft instrument would inform the pilot / mechanic of a successful light off

EGT or exhaust gas temperature

What are the main advantages of a starter / generator over a DC electric starter

Save space and weight

What does the centrifugal switch do on an air turbine starter

Shut off Air Supply to starter air control valve

What type of winding is used in a DC electric starter

Series wound

What is a possible result of disengaging the starter too soon

Hung start

What might happen if you turn on fuel before ignition

Wet start

Engine does not reach self acceleration speed what does this refer to

Hung start

What three things should be done after a hot start

Shutdown, investigate, log book entry

What are the sources of power for an air turbine starter

Apu, GPU, another operating engine

What procedures should be performed to clear the engine after a wet start

Observe EGT to make sure it's in safe limits, motor or windmill the engine over with fuel off

When will a DC electrical starter or starter generator draw its greatest current

Switch on

What is the purpose of a turbine engine starting system

To bring the engine from rest to self accelerating speed

What is the EGT indication after initial light off in before item

Sudden rise in EGT

The starter on a splits pool engine will drive which compressor

N2 or high pressure compressor

What's instrument must be monitored closely during a start procedure

Oil pressure

If there is not enough air to support combustion what could be the cause

Low starting RPM, weak starter

What should be done first prior to an engine started

Observe aircraft checklist

What power source is used to start an APU


Which starting system changes after start to perform a different function

Electrical starter generator

What is the most likely cause of a wet start

Ignition system malfunction

True or false. DC starters in DC starter generator is required turbine oil for lubrication


What type of air volume in pressure is applied to an air turbine starting

High-volume low-pressure air

Why are some turbine engines started by the use of an air turbine starter

Higher power to weight ratio

What is used as a source of power for a DC starter or DC starter generator

Battery, Apu, GPU, cross generator starter