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48 Cards in this Set

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The exhaust nozzle of a Thrust producer converts what type of energy into what type of energy

Potential energy into kinetic energy

Where does the afterburner receive the oxygen rich are it needs to operate

75% of the secondary air

Which type of thrust reverser would have a component called blocker doors

Used in conjunction with aerodynamic thrust reverser

What is mixed exhaust pertaining to exhaust systems of turbine engines

Hot core air and cold fan air exit from common nozzle

What is unmixed exhaust pertaining to exhaust systems in a turbine engine

Hot and cold air exit from different nozzles

Can engine compressor bleed air be used to operate a Thrust reverser system


The jet nozzle is in what section of the turbine engine

Exhaust section

What is the purpose of the thrust reverser

Must slow the aircraft down quickly and safety under all conditions

What component is the exit nozzle attached to

It is attached to the case

Subsonic area that has velocity going up and pressure going down is going through what shape duct

Convergent duct

What is the alternate name for the mechanical blockage in aerodynamic thrust reverser system

Mechanical is clamshell or hot stream spoiler

aerodynamic is Cascade or cold stream spoiler

What is the purpose of the exhaust system on a turbo fan

Direct the exhaust gases clear of the airframe

The cone in the exhaust duct ( the case, struts and cone) causes the exhaust duct to be what shape


How much less fuel did the unducted fan use compared to the equivalent turbofan


What is the function of the struts in the exhaust system

Assist in straightening the gas flow

What makes son unmixedexhaust different from mixed exhaust

Hot and cold exit from the nozzles

Most of the noise that is created by a turbine engine comes from what effect

Interaction of the hot, high velocity exhaust gases with the relatives still cold ambient air

What are the two types of turbine engines that use afterburners

Turbojet and turbofan

Concerning the noise signature of an engine what is the quietest turbine engine


Where are the controls for reverse thrust usually located

The thrust lever is located in the center console of the cockpit

A fixed Divergent exhaust nozzle will most likely be used on what type of aircraft

Rotary Wing aircraft

A fixed Divergent convergent exhaust systems improves what for a low bypass turbofan

Improves Cruise fuel economy & thrust

The use of hot streamer (mechanical) and cold streamer (aerodynamic) on the same engine at the same time could be used by what classification of engine

High bypass turbofan

If an aircraft switches into after burning, but the exhaust nozzle stays in the convergent configuration what happens

This will cause air to stack up which will make the air pressure increase and velocity decrease this will cause thrust decrease

What is power back

Backing up aircraft on the ground

What are the three methods for powering the thrust reverser system on a turbine engine

Electrical motor and Jack screw, hydraulic, pneumatic

Are Engineers more concerned with high frequency noise or low frequency noise

Low frequency noise

Corrugated tube type mixers did what to reduce the noise emanating from an exhaust system of a turbine engine

Exchange low frequency noise for high frequency noise and more quickly mix air flow

The cone will be located after what component

Immediately aft of the last turbine section

What component of an aerodynamic thrust reverser system is redirects the are 45° forward

Cascade vanes

What type of exhaust nozzle will be used on most commercial aircraft

Fixed convergent nozzle

What increases the air density when using water injections on a turbine engine

The water evaporating

How much efficiency did using counter-rotating propellers at to unducted fans

6% to 8%

Does using reverse thrusters provide more or less thrust than the engine in the normal configuration


What component in the exhaust system ensures proper pressure and smooth delivery of the exhaust gases to the exhaust nozzle

Exhaust cone

When will the use of a variable geometry nozzle be required

With an aircraft during supersonic flight

What does supersonic air flow through or Divergent duct do to Velocity and pressure

Velocity goes up pressure goes down

How the power being produced is used will determine what about the exhaust system

The type of exhaust

What is V2

Total thrust

A 10 to 30% power gain is achieved on a turbine engine when using what system

Water injections

Who makes the cone in the nozzle of an exhaust system

Airframe manufacturers

At what decibel level is hearing protection required

100 decibels

Which gas turbine engine is considered the loudest

Turbo jet

Why is there more of a concern over low frequency noise emitted from a turbine engine

It travels further, perceiving to be the loudest, can be heard and felt

Any turbine engine you could use a variable geometry nozzle. Why do commercial aircraft engines not use variable geometry nozzles

Heavy and expensive

Thrust reversers are more effective than breaks because

Saves weight on brakes, brakes will have to be massive, effective on wet or icy runways and do not rely on friction

Unmixed exhaust is, on what type of engine

High bypass turbofan

Blocker doors deflect are at what angle

90% perpendicular to the axis of rotation