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33 Cards in this Set

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What are some of thelimits of the course that the professor identified?

1. Grading spiritual exercises

2. External influence vs. Internal incentive

3. Open/teachable vs. Closed/wise (Proverbs 3:7)

4. 21 class sessions vs. A lifetime pursuit

What can weaccomplish in this course, according to the professor (three things)?

1. Develop a Biblical understanding of God, the world, and ourselves

2. Allow Holy Spirit to make me more like Christ

3. Saturate ourselves with the Bible's worldview

What two statementssummarize a “start” on what we can do to study in this course?


What two questions aboutlife did the professor identify that non-Christians and Christian universitystudents face?

1. Why am I alive?

2. What is the point of it all?

What is it that weall seek from life?

Something worth devoting our lives to completely

How did Ortberg (p.18) describe how we find the joy and meaning in life?


How does Ortberg (p.15) describe flourishing as a person?

Moving toward God's best version of you

Be able to recognizeand explain the examples Ortberg gives of the “Me I Don’t Want to Be.”

The me I...

1. Pretend to be

2. Think I should be

3. Other people want me to be

4. Afraid God wants me to be

5. Fails me to be

6. Meant to be

Accordingto 1 Corinthians 15, what is the gospel message?

1. Christ DIED

2. Christ was BURIED

3. Christ was RAISED

4. Christ APPEARED

Whatis the theological significance of the death of Christ?

Substitutionary Atonement

From1 Corinthians 15 and Romans 1:4, what is proved about Christ and the gospel byChrist’s resurrection? How does S. LewisJohnson summarize these ideas?

Proves that...

1. Christ is God's son

2. God accepts Jesus' sin payment

Whatdoes Larry Moyer identify as the three parts of an effective gospelpresentation?

1. Opening question

2. Basic facts (with verse)

3. Concluding question

Howdoes the professor define sin? How dothe biblical words for sin relate to Law?

A desire for independence from God, demonstrated by breaking His moral Law.

Howdoes each of the following passages contribute to our understanding of sin andits consequences: John 8:34; Romans 1:18-23; 3:23; 6:23; 7:5-13?

John 8- Slaves

Romans 1- Creation

Romans 3- Rebels

Romans 6- Everyone deserves death

Romans 7- Law

What do the two NT words for forgiveness mean? (Aphiemi and Charizomai)

Aphiemi- let go/send away/cancel/

Charizomai- give freely/pardon

Whatdoes Jesus illustrate about forgiveness in Mark 2:1-12?

Jesus has the authority to forgive sins (story of Jesus healing the paralytic)

Inwhat sense is forgiveness judgment against us?

1. Forgiveness identifies sin as sin, and pardons it

2. Forgiveness doesn't deny guilt, but removes it

Howis forgiveness tied to love (two ways)?

1. God's love incites Him to forgive us

2. Our response is to love God

Inwhat sense does forgiveness lead to freedom and reconciliation?

Freedom- being whole

Reconciliation- Peacemaking

Inresponse to the gospel, what does God expect the non-Christian to do (twoterms)?

Repent and believe

Explaineach of the three stages or components of faith described in class.

1. Know/understand

2. Accept/receive

3. Trust/depend

Whattwo synonyms for “trust” did the professor offer?

1. Chair Illustration

2. Falling-Off-Of-A-Cliff Illustration

Whatexactly do I believe in order to become a Christian?


Whatdoes repentance mean? What two ideas areinadequate to describe repentance?

Repentance- metanoeo; change of mind; reversing direction

1. Mere sorrow for sins

2. Ceasing from sin

Inwhat way is repentance linked to faith?

Two sides of the same coin

Inorder to become a Christian, how might I repent (hint: remember B.C. and A.D.)?


1. Sin is fun

2. I can make it to God on my own

3. God knows I did my best

4. Many ways to God


1. Sin is hateful to God

2. I'll never be good enough on my own

3. I'm separated from God

4. Jesus is the only way to God

Whatare the four “first steps” in Spiritual formation for new Christians to begrounded in, including Bible citations?


Howdoes Romans 6:1-14 help us understand the idea of offering our bodies as livingsacrifices? What choice is the Christiangiven with the members of his/her body?

Present our physical parts as instruments of righteousness

Whatmetaphor proves that dedication to the Lordship of Christ is not balanced?


Isthis dedication to live under the Lordship of Christ a one-time decision?


Howdid Ortberg (p. 62) describe surrendering to Christ? Is it passivity, or being a doormat, or beingfatalistic?

Glad and voluntary acknowledgment that there is a God and it is not me

Accordingto Ortberg (p. 65), can we will ourselves to overcome problems? How do we overcome?

No; it takes God renewing our minds

Whattwo postures that seem to be opposites, illustrate victory in the Christianlife, from Ortberg (p. 64)?

1. Exalted high in victory

2. Bent low in surrender