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53 Cards in this Set

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Documented verbal warning and or counseling by a sup, written warning, written reprimand, suspension, demotion and termination

Who is responsible for the confidentiality of personnel records, personal and work related issues?


Complaints on field units are forwarded to?

Road SGTs on duty

Name some permissible activities to do on duty?

Read books, study materials, professional publications

If the assignment lasts from one minute to two hours, the employee will be compensated for how much time?

For a minimum of 2 hours and anything past two hours will be paid for the amount of the time worked.

Who is required to notify management of any threats and violence they witness or which is brought to their attention?


What is the process for progressive discipline?

1.Documented verbal warning and or counseling by supervisor

2. Written warning- E911 departmental documentation

3. Formal written letter of reprimand

4. Suspension from duty

5. Demotion and or termination

You will not be allowed to make up lost time for excused and unexcused tardies?

FALSE. You will have the opportunity to stay over or urs Annual leave.

When can sick leave be used for an excused tardy?

Only when the tardiness is due to illness

Visits and tours in the center are not to exceed X in length

1 hour

What is the one thing operators must do when answering text-to-911 calls?

place themselves in not ready status as to not get any 911 calls while processing the text

Employee Violation Form

All incidents involving the Cobb County 911 Bureau, where an employee may have acted in a manner that creates an increased likeliness of death or injury to persons or significant loss of property must be documented on what type of form?

Ultimate authority of discipline rests with Bureau manager. The authority is delegated to subordinate supervisors as follows: Bureau Manager & Assistant Manager have the authority to issue all forms of discipline. First line supervisors have the authority to counsel employees, recommend formal reprimands, attend remedial training, make recommendations for reassignment or demotion, and make recommendations for termination.

Describe how the authority of discipline is delegated

Confidential includes but is not limited to:

See policy 302

If a road supervisor refuses to make contact. What should the dispatcher do?

Notate and close


Complainants will be notified in how many days about the outcome of their complaint?

10 days

If the supervisor completing the front page of the complaint form is not the direct supervisor of the employee, what does he/she do with it?

Upload into guardian tracking under the employee's name so the supervisor can see the complaint and investigate it.

The Director can refer any complaint investigation to the internal affairs unit


What are things you may not engage in on duty?

Personal devices, nails, knitting, phone calls, games or sleeping

Lunch breaks are

30 minutes


What is the compensation for the following specialized assignments to their hourly wage? CTO, TACT, QA SPECIALIST, RECRUITMENT SPECIALIST, FCS, CALL TAKING COMMUNICATION TRAINING OFFICER


At all times on duty and any time inside the Cobb County 911 Center employees are not to use(type of language)....

Coarse, violent, profane, insolence

What are the avenues that are available for stress relief?

1. Talk to another employee, 2. Take a break from the floor, request a meeting with chaplain, contact EAP, meet with a debrief team

An employee is considered tardy for work if...

One minute after start of shift meeting

How many excused tardies in a 12 month period is considered excessive?


All 911 employees should expect privacy when using Cobb County owned or issued equipment and facilities.



Request for audio recordings must be made _______

In writing marked information release

Who is the person that reviews each report of a libelous incident and determines the proper course of action to be taken?

Bureau manager

What must all employee violation forms include?

Who was involved

What occurred

Who was notified

When and what occurred since

Who, what, who, when, what

Where are all miscellaneous documents of any sensitive information (i.e. CAD printouts, GCIC returns, daily notes) discarded?

In plastic bin by supervisor to be shredded

What signal is used to enter complaint on officers in CAD


Who is able to see the complaint once its uploaded into guardian?

Person and supervisors

Supervisor has ten (10) business days to complete the investigation, if more time is required what must he/ she do?

Complainant wil be notified of the delay and given updated time frame

What are the five (5) conclusion of fact for a complaint and explain what each means.

1. Unfounded - allegation is false or not factual, the incident did not occur as reported and there was no incident

2. Exonerated - the investigation has determined the incident did occur but the employee acted properly and lawfully.

3. Not Sustained - insufficient evidence to either prove or disprove allegation

4. Sustained - allegation supported with sufficient evidence

5. Policy/ procedure failure - The employee acted according to policy/ procedure guidelines, or issue doesn't fall in the existing scope of policy/ procedure indicates needed for review or Director will draft new policy.


Who is responsible for monitoring activities and ensuring no activities are interfering with the performance of duties or assignments?


What is the proggressive discipline for a violation?

1st offense - Documented verbal warning

2nd offense - Written warning

3rd offense - Written reprimand

Subsequent offenses - Suspension without pay up to termination

Any person who makes threats, exhibits threatening behavior or engages in violent acts will be removed and will remain off the premises pending the outcome of an investigation.



If employees report for an assignment lasting over two (2) hours, they shall be compensated for the actual time spent at the assignment.



Stress recognition training is provided to all employees within what phase of training?

Academy phase

How many unexcused tardies is considered excessive?


No grace period, no exceptions

What is the process for progressive discipline for excused tardies?

1st-5th offense - Documented on a critical incident reminder.

6th offense - Written warning documented on a critical incident reminder.

7th offense - Written letter of reprimand.

8th offense - One day suspension without pay.

An employee who last received disciplinary action 18 or more months previously is considered

In the same manner as a new employee who never received any disciplinary action.

How long does formal discipline remain in the employee's personnel record?

Permanent record for appropriate time under Georgia open records Acts and the entire time of employment.

Audio recordings are saved for how many years?


If an employee's equipment is lost or stolen and cannot be found, what must the employee do?

Notify IS immediately and make a police report

Who may verbally request an audio recording through a 911 supervisor?

Police detectives, arson detectives, police & fire command staff and internal affairs personnel may verbally request an audio recording

All complaints on department personnel will be

On duty supervisor or on duty operations supervisor

Complaints on employees are directed to


Complaints on a supervisor is directed to

Operations Supervisor

Complaints on an operations supervisor is directed to

Deputy Director of Operations


Supervisors have until when to complete the first page of a complaint form?

End of shift

What is the minimum amount of time an employee can be compensated for?

2 hrs no matter the brevity


What is the process for progressive discipline for unexcused tardies?

A. 1st Offense - Verbal Warning

B. 2nd Offense - Written Warning

C. 3rd Offense - Written Letter of Reprimand

D. 4th Offense - One day suspension without pay

E. Subsequent Offenses- Additional time off without pay up to and including termination