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102 Cards in this Set

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Defined as a management function that determines human resources needs, recruits, selects, trains, and develops human resources for jobs created by an organization.


Staffing Process

1. Human Resources Planning

2. Recruitment

3. Selection

4. Induction and orientation

5. Training and Development

6. Performance Appraisal

7. Employment Decisions

8. Separation

The planned output of any organization will require a systematic deployment of human resource at various levels.

Human Resources Planning

Human Resources Planning Activities



Evaluation and Control

An assessment of future human resource needs of the organization in relation to its current capabilities.


Means translating the forecasted human resource needs to personnel objectives and goals.


Refers to monitoring human resource action plans and evaluating their success

Evaluation and control

Forecasting of Manpower

Time Series Method

Explanatory or Causal Models

Monitoring Methods

Use historical data to develop forecasts

Time Series Methods

Are attempts to identify the major variables that are related to or have caused particular past conditions and then use current measures of these variables to predict future conditions.

Explanatory or Causal Models

Major Types of Explanatory Models

Regression Models

Econometric Models

Leading Indicators

Refer to system of regression equations estimated from past time-series data and used to show the effect of various independent variables on various dependent variables.

Econometrics Models

Refers to time series that anticipate business cycle turns

Leading Indicators

Provide early warning signals of significant changes in established patterns and relationships so that the manager can assess the likely impact and plan responses if required.

Monitoring Methods

When the different positions had been identified as necessary and the decision to fill them with persons had been made.

Attracting qualified persons to apply for vacant positions in the company.


When management wants to fill certain vacancies.

Source of Applicants

Source of Applicants may be tapped:

1. The organization's current employees

2. Newspaper advertising

3. Schools

4. Referrals from Employees

5. Recruitment firms

6. Competitors

Some of the organization's current employmees may be qualified to occupy positions higher than the ones they are occupying.

The Organization's Current Employees

Good sources of applicants.

Newspaper Advertising

Places where potential employees may be asked to apply.


Current employees sometimes recommend relatives and friend who may be qualified

Referrals from Employees

Companies organized specifically to assist client firms in recruiting qualified persons.

Recruitment Firms

These are useful sources of qualified but underutilized personnel. Recruitment fi has the advantage of hiring personnel who may have been previously trianed bt competitors.


Entry-level personnel, the manager, they rely on

Newspaper Advertising


Referrals from Employees

Recruiting managers rely on

Current Employees

Recruitment firms


Refers to choosing from those that are available the individuals most likely to succeed on the job.


Ways of determining the qualifications of a job candidate

Application Blanks




Provides information about a person's characteristics such as age, marital status, address, educational background, experience, and special interests.

Application Banks

Those written by previous employers, co-workers, teachers, club officers, etc. about a person.


Information may be gathered in an interview by asking a series of relevant questions to the job candidate.


Involves an evaluation of the future behavior or performance of an individual.


Types of Test

Psychological Test

Physical Exam

Is an objective, standard measure of a sample behavior of the individual.

Psychological Test

Psychological test classified as follows:

Aptitude Test

Performance Test

Personality Test

Interest Test

Measures a person's capacity or potential ability to learn.

Aptitude Test

Measures the person's current knowledge of a subject

Performance Test

Measures personality traits such as dominance, sociability, and conformity

Personality Test

Measures a person's interest in various fields of work

Interest Test

Done to assess the applicant's physical health is adequate to meet job requirements

Physical Test

After an applicant is finally selected and subsequently hired, the next step undertaken are

Induction and Orientation

The new employee is provided with the necessary information about the company. His duties, responsibilities, and benefits are relayed to him.


The new employees is introduced to the immediate working environment and co-workers. Location, rules, equipment, procedures, training plans, and performance expectations are discussed.


Employee undergoes by pairing him with an experienced employee and having a one-on-one discussion with the manager

Socialization Process

If the newly hired employee is assessed to be lacking the necessary skills required by the job.

Training and Development

Four methods under training programs for non-managers

On-the-job Trainings

Vestibule School

Apprenticeship Program

Special Courses

Trainee is placed in an actual work situation under the direction of his immediate supervisor, who acts as trainer.

On-the-job Training

Trainee is placed in a situation almost exactly as the work environment. Duplicates the job, as well as the required machinery and materials.

Vestibule School

Combination of on-the-job training and experience with classroom instruction in particular subjects are provided to trainees.

Apprenticeship Program

Those that provide more emphasis on education rather than training.

Special Courses

Training needa of managers may classified into four areas:

Decision Making Skills

Interpersonal Skills

Job Knowledge

Organizational Knowledge

Decision making skills of the manager:


Management Games

Case studies

Trainee is provided with a set of notes, messages, telephone calls, letters, and reports, all pertaining to a given company situation


Training method where trainees are placed in a simulated situation and are required to make an ongoing series of decisions about that situation

Management Games

Present actual situation in organizations and enables one to examine successful and unsuccessful operations.

Case studies

Interpersonal Competence of the manager

Role Playing

Behavior Modeling

Sensitivity Training

Transactional Analysis

Trainees are assigned roles to play in a given case incident.


It attempts to influence the trainee by showing model persons behaving effectively in a problem situation

Behavior Modeling

Awareness and sensitivity to behavioral patterns of oneself and others and others are developed.

Sensitivity Training

Method intends to help individuals not only understand themselves and others but also improved their Interpersonal communication skills

Transactional Analysis

Knowledge about the actual job methods

On-the-job Experience



Provides valuable opportunities for the trainee to learn various skills while actually engaged in the performance of a job.

On-the-job Experience

Methods requires a senior manager to assist a lower-level manager by teaching him the needed skills and generally providing direction, advise, and helpful criticism.


Manager works as assistant to a higher-level manager and participates in planning and other managerial functions until he is ready to assume such position himself.


Manager skills to attempt to increase the trainee's knowledge of the total organization

Position Rotation

Multiple Management

The manager is given assignments in a variety of departments .

Position Rotation

Methos that is premised on the idea that junior executives must be provided with means to prelare them for higher management position.

Multiple Management

The measurement of the employee performance

Performance Appraisal

Purpose of performance appraisal

1. To influence, in a posotive manner, employee performance and development.

2. To determine merit pay increase

3. To plan for future performance goal

4. To determine training and development needs

5. To assess the promotion potential of employees

Ways of appraising performance

1. Rating Scale Method

2. Essay Method

3. Management by Objectives Method

4. Assessment Center Method

5. Checklist Method

6. Work Standards Method

7. Ranking Method

8. Critical-Incident Method

Racth trait or characteristic to be rated is represented by a line on which the rater indicates the degree to which the individual possess the trait or characteristics.

Rating Scale Method

The evaluator in this method composes statements that best describe the person evaluated.

Essay Method

Specific goal are set collaboratively for the organization as a whole, for various subunits, and for each individual member.

Management by Objectives Method

One is evaluated by persons other than the immediate superior. This method is used for evaluating managers.

Assessment Center Method

The evaluator checks statement on a list that are deemed to characterize an emoloyee'd behavior or performance.

Checklist Method

Standards are set for a realistic worker output and later on used in evaluating the performance of non-managerial employees.

Work Standards Method

Each evaluator arranges emoloyees' named in rank order from the best to the poorest.

Ranking Method

Evaluator recalls and writes down specific incidents that indicate the emoloyee's performance.

Critical-Incident Method

After the evaluation of the performance of the employee.

Employment Decisions

Employement decision consists of

Monetary Rewards




Given to employees whose performance is at par or above standard requirements

Monetary Rewards

Refers to the movement by a person into a position of higher pay and greater responsibilities and which is given as a reward for competence and ambition


The movement of a person to a different job at the same or similar level of responsibility in the organization.


Movement from one position to another which has leds pay or responsibility attached to it.


Either a voluntary or involuntary termination of an employee's service


The organization management must find out the real reason.

Voluntary Separation

Is the last option that the management exercise when an employee's performance is poor.

Involuntary separation

Certain factors determine the salary or wages paid to employee

1. Performance

2. The Relative Worth of Each job

3. Labor Market Conditions and Prevailing Wage Rate

4. Types of Psy System Used

The achievements of the organizations objective will depend on the individual and collective performance of its employees.


The compensation of the Individual employee may also be determined according to the relative worth of each job.

The relative worth of each job

Represents the written summary of a job as an identifiable organizational unit.

Job Description

Is statement of qualifications such as education prior experience, and skills required for a person to perform a given job.

Job Specification

Methods of Job Evaluation

The Point Method

The Comparison Method

The classification or grading method

The ranking method

Requires the evaluators to quantify the value of the element of a job. Points are assigned to the degrees of various compensable factors required to do the job

The Point Method

Uses a factor-by-factor comparison and as a resul, a factor comparison dcale is used.

The Comparison Method

Wherein jobs sre grouped together in set of grades of classification, such as clerical or managerial.

The classification or grading method

Wherein the evaluator assigns rank to jobs from the simplest to the most challenging.

Ranking method

Same jobs may be similar with other jobs in terms of difficulty, responsibility, snd other factors.

Labor Market Conditions And Prevailing Wage Rates

Differences in pay among similar jobs in and out of the company depend on the type of pay system adapted.

Types of Pay System Used


management is concerned in

To address the concern in health and safety, the following are usually undertaken

Activity that allows the organization to rank jobs and determine their heirarchy of importance across all jobs in the Organization

Job Evaluation

5 job factors are used as bases for comparison:



Physical Effort

Mental Effort

Working Condition