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20 Cards in this Set

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Nature Theory

- Focuses on genetics and heredity

- States that intelligence as well as physical and personality traits are inherited

- Your DNA says a lot about how you'll become

Nurture Theory

- Focuses on upbringing and environment

- States that personality traits are learned through interactions with others

- You are a result of your environment

- Enculturation

Freudian Slip

States that a slip of the tongue or otherwise, isn't really a mistake but is a dynamically repressed wish, conflict or thought

Topographic Model of Consciousness

Topographic Model of Consciousness

Freud’s Structural and Typographical Models of Personality

Id - pleasure principle, babies, nothing else matters

Ego - reality principle, sense of reality and self

Super Ego - conscience, moral and ethical restraints, right and wrong

Freud's Psychosexual development


Unsuccessful development results in fixation







Oral Stage

0 - 18 months

Erogenous zone = mouth

Fixation occurring at this age will result in issues with dependency and aggression as well as problems with drinking, smoking, nail biting and eating

Anal Stage

18 months - 3 years

Erogenous zone = bowel and bladder control

Anal-expulsive = too lenient = person develops messy, wasteful and destructive personality

Anal-retentive = too strict at this stage = person develops stringent, orderly, rigid and obsessive behavior

Phallic Stage

3 years -6 years

Erogenous zone = genitals

Competition over same sex parents, turns into wanting to be like them out of fear of castration

Fixation include sexual deviance

Latency Stage

6 - puberty

Erogenous zone = sexual feelings inactive

Sexual urges remain repressed and children play mostly with same sex peers

Fixation will lead to lack of close friends

Genital Stage

puberty to death

maturing/awakening sexual interests

strong attraction to peeps


We are a product of our conditioning


Skinner Box

Everything we do is based on reward and punishment


Conditioned Reflex

Les Chiens

Humanistic Psychology

things aren't based on fate, based on authenticity of behaviour and existentialism (authentic choice)

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

Self Actualization

Esteem Needs

Belonging and Love Needs

Safety Needs

Body Needs


How society functions and how it's structured

Institution, status, role norm

System's Theory

Explains how individuals act in a system, requires feedback to remain stable

Symbolic Interactionism

Mirror Theory

Social Exchange Theory

Cost vs Benefit

Conflict Theory

Power structures society