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17 Cards in this Set

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What is the graying of America?
the growing percentage of older people in the US population
What is ageism?
prejudice, discrimination, and hostility directed against people because of their age, can be directed against any age group, including youth
What is age cohort?
people born roughly at the same time who pass through the life course together
What is the disengagement theory?
the view that society is stabilized by having the elderly retire from their positions of responsibility so the younger generation can step into their shoes
What is the activity theory?
the view that satisfaction during old age is related to a person's amount and quality of activity
What is the continuity theory?
the focus of this theory is how people adjust to retirement by continuing aspects of their earlier lives
Overall, how are the elderly treated around the world?
no single set of attitudes, beliefs or policies
-vary from exclusion/ killing to integration and honor
What is the overall global trend in terms of the elderly?
elderly live longer
In terms of the graying of America, what has become major issues?
cost of Social Security, and health care
How do symbolic interactionists view age?
aging is socially constructed, no age has any particular built-in meaning, rather we use cultural cues to define age
Social security legislation is an example of...
one generation making demands on another generation for limited sources
Name some organizations that watch out for the elderly. (2)
AARP, the Gray Panthers
Who are the most likely to abuse the elderly?
their own family
Women are more likely to...
live alone and be poor
What percentage of the elderly live in retirement homes?
What are hospices?
a cultural device designed to overcome the negative aspects of dying in hospitals
Suicide is most common after age...