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43 Cards in this Set

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Theoretical approaches

micro level - structural functionalism, conflict theory, feminist theory.

macro level - symbolic interactions, feminist theory



Theory - the attempt to explain the observable phenomena

Theorizing - the attempt to explain the empirical observations

Who coined the term "sociology"

And the basis' of his sociology was?

Auguste Comte


Who coined the term "sociological imagination"

c wright mills

In the nineteenth century, where did sociology emerge as an area of academic interest


Which theorist believed that the values embodied in early Protestantism led to thedevelopment of capitalism

Max Weber

Which sociologist treated the topic of suicide as a "social fact" in his ground-breaking book

Emile Durkheim

What did social Darwinists argue was the basis for claims of European superiority

natural selection

Which social evolutionist sought to apply Darwin's theory of natural selection to humansocieties

Herbert spencer

Who documented the experience of American blacks from a sociological perspective?

Du bois

Who is considered the father of microsociology

Georg Simmel

Who are the agents of socialization most responsible for "primary socialization"


What reflects the "nature" side of the nature versus nurture debate

Biological determinism

What theory emphasizes the importance of rewards in shaping behaviour?


What are the concepts in Freuds theory?

What concept in Freud's theory represents the conscience

Id - Ero - life drive, Thanators- death drive - unconscious

superego - conscience - preconscious

ego - mediator between the id and superego - conscious

According to Mead, when a child is able to take into account the expectations of larger society, he or she comes under the sway of whom

Generalized others

What type of group shares key social characteristics such as age, social position, and interests?

Peer groups

Who argued that people do not naturally conform to the lessons of socialization

Dennis wong

What did Huesmann's longitudinal study of the relationship between media and violence find

the correlation of violence and the aggressive nature of children as they aged

marks the hurried child syndrome

A child feeling adult-like stress and guilt

A bar mitzvah is an example of what

voluntary resocialization

Which term refers to the knowledge and skills needed to acquire the sophisticated tastes that mark someone as a person of "high" culture

cultural capital

What are values

The standards used by a culture to describe abstract qualities and to assess the behaviours of others

What is ethnocentrism

The belief that your culture is better than others

describe and give examples of folk ways, mores, taboos

folk ways - rules you should not break e.g double dip chips e.c.t

mores - rules you must not break e.g killing

taboos - arouse thoughts of disgust e.g cannibalism, child porno, incest

define dominant, sub, counter, and high culture

dominant - through political and eco powers, imposes its values on society

sub - differs from dom cultures, but are not in direct opposition to it

counter - feels the power of the dom culture, and opposes it

high culture - culture of the elite, they are a minority

state the law of effect - Thorndike

1. if you do something, and you are rewarded for it, you are more likely to do it again.

2. if you do something and you are punished for it, you are less likely to do it again.


socialization in terms of biological and social aspects of life


personal choice placed ahead of social and nurture

Structural functionalism key theorist

Emile Durkhiem

Talcott parsons

Robert k merton

define structural Functionalism

sees the society as an organism with structures, and functions

Conflict theory key theorist

Karl max

Georg Simmel

Lewis a Crosser

list the four types of sociology: pcpp

professional, critical, public, policy

quantitative research


social elements that can be used to generate a stat

surveys- open ended questions

experiment - hypothesis, prove it e.t.c


uses numbers to map social behaviours


addressing people from from a european position assuming they would like to be part of position

Manifest function

latent function

latent dysfunction - Robert Merton

Manifest - intended and readily recognized

Latent - Unintended and unrecognized

Dysfunction - Unintended and produce negative social consequences

Conflict theory is based on what four c's?





Founder social psychology,symbolic interactionism

George Herbert mead

3 Stages of socialization

preparatory stage

play stage

game stage

2 Types of socializing agents

significant others

generalized others

Cooley's looking glass- self

- how you imagine you appear to others

- how you imagine how others think of your appearance

- how you feel as a result


Examples of total institution

Unlearning old ways and then learning new things



boarding school