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60 Cards in this Set

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Bering Land BRidge

Ocean levels dropped more than 300 felt lower than they are today, and when the sea level fell it exposed a land bridge between northeaster Asia and present day Alaska

Leif Eriksson

first man to discover North America

Prince Henry the Navigator

portugese man in the 1400's that was responsible for advances that would make exploration more successful- school of navigation and better methods of sailing and observatory


a device that enabled navigators to learn their ship's location by charting the position of the stars


what shape were there sails?

Smaller lighter and easier ships to steer than the ones used before- they had triangle sails that allowed ships to sail against the wind

Bartolomeu Dias

Portuguese explorer that found the Cape of Good Hope

Vasco de Gama

Portuguese explore that won the European race fora sea route to Asia

Results of the Portuegese exploration?

They found gold, ivory, and slaves

Christopher Columbus

A sailor from Italy whom asked the king and queen for a ship in trade for new riches, new territory, and Catholic converts

They made it to the bahamas in 1492

He made three journeys back to the new land which he thought was Asia

Line of Demarcation

This line divided the Atlantic Ocean forSpain and Portugal- Spain got all the land west of the line

The Treat of Tordesillas

It moved the Line of Demarcation 800 miles west

Amerigo Vespucci

Let the Spanish fleet to the coast of present-day South America

A German mapmaker labeled America after him

Vasco del Balboa

In 1513 he was the explorer to see the pacific ocean

ferdinand magellan

a portuguese navigator who circumnavigated the globe


go all the way around the globe

Columbian Exchange

The Europeans took plants and animals with them to the Americas and brought back a variety of new plants and animals to Europe, Asia, and Africa

This exchange also brought new deadly diseases to Americas and many died because the native Americans had no natural resistance


soldiers who led millitary expeditions in the America

Hernan Cortes

left Cuba to sail to present day Mexico in 1519 in search of a wealthy land ruled by Moctezuma II

Cortes convinced Moctezuma he was a god but then captured moctezuma and they were both eventually killed

Francisco Pizarro

captured the Inca capital and killed the Inca leaders and by 1534 they had conquered the entire Inca Empire

The Spanish called their new empire New Spain

Ponce De Leon

Who came after him to explore what he had found?

Explorer that conquered Puerto Rico and ound Florida

Hernando de Soto went to explore the coastal regio nof the Gulf of Mexico

Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca aka De Vaka

his entire ship wrecked except for him and three other men who were then taken and enslaved

he called for better treatement of the native americans

Encomienda system

gave settlers the right to tax local Native Americans or to make them work- these settlers in exchange were supposed to protect the Native American people and convert them into Christianity


large farms that grew just one kind of crop

Bartolome De Las Casas

Priest that stated that they should try to convert the Native Americans to Christianity by showing them love, gentleness, and kindness

Protestant Reformation

Religious movement that stated the church was too wealthy and abused it's power


Reformers who protested some of the Catholic Church's practices

Spanish Armada

a huge fleet of warships meant to end English plans

Northwest Passage

a water route through North America that would allow ships to sail from the Atlantic to the Pacific

Jacques Cartier

a french sailor that led France's next major exploration of North America- he made two trips to canada


a document giving him permission to start a colony


had a natural resistance

plantation agriculture was

a mainstay of the colonial economic structure

which meaning it was important to the economy

MIddle Passage

the voyage across the Atlantic Ocean that enslaved Africans were forced to endure

African Diaspora

(Diaspora means scattering of people)

Enslaved Africans were sent all across the New World


people that crossed the Bering Land Bridge


a movement of people or animals from one region to another


people who hunted animals and gathered wild plants for food


climates and landscapes that surround livingthings


a group's set of common values and traditions, including language, government, and family relationships


earliest known civilization in Mesoamerica


fear warriors with good millitary ability

trade and tribute paid by conquered people in the form of cotton, gold, and food made the Aztec rich


known for building art and had about 12 million people in their large empire


aboveground houses made of a heavy clay called adobe


underground ceremonial chambers


ancestor or animal spirits on tall, wooden poles


cone shaped shelters


people traced their ancestry through their mothers, not their fathers

Iroquois League

an alliance that was establisehed by the Cayga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onodaga, and Seneca

An allianance that made the Iroquois one of the most powerful Native American peoples in North America


a group of people from nothern AFrica

Mansa Musa

Malis most famous ruler

under Mansa Musas rule Mali reached the height of its wealth, power, and fame


pilgrimage ot Mecca


buldings for Muslim prayer

Askia the Great

His real name was Muhammad Ture, one of Songhai's greatest rulers


clear and ordered thinking


a form of government in which people rule themselves


warriors who fought on horseback, they were given land in exhcange for military service

black death

a disease that spread across Europe that killed an estimated 25 million people

Two greatest Renaissance artists

Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci

Johannes Gutenberg

developed he first printing pres that used movable type- this means that thousands of people could read the smae books and share ideas about htem

join-stock companies

businesses in which a group of people invest togheter