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39 Cards in this Set

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What is the Kinetic Molecular Theory?
the theory that all matter is composed of particles (atoms and molecules) moving constantly in random directions
What is kinetic energy?
the energy of a particle or object due to its motion
According to KMT how do particles move in a solid?
vibrate slightly and do not change position
According to KMT how do particles move in a liquid?
vibrate more and move around within a fixed volume
According to KMT how do particles move in a gas?
vibrate greatly and move around to occupy all volume available
What is temperature?
a measure of the average kinetic energy of all the particles in a sample of matter
How is temperature measured?
in degrees Fahrenheit, degrees Celsius, or Kelvin
Name the absolute zero temperature for the three measures of temperature
-459 degrees Fahrenheit, -273 degrees Celsius, 0 Kelvin
Name the temperature at which water freezes for the three measures of temperature
32 degrees Fahrenheit, 0 degrees Celsius, 273 Kelvin
Name the temperature at which water boils for the three measures of temperature
212 degrees Fahrenheit, 100 degrees Celsius, 373 Kelvin
Does temperature change when the size of an object changes?
What is thermal energy?
the total energy of all of the particles in a substance
What is potential energy?
the stored energy of an object or particle, due to its position or state
What is kinetic energy?
the energy of motion
What is potential energy related to?
how much the particle vibrates and how much space they take up
What does thermal energy depend on?
the size of the object/sample of the matter (the larger the object, the more moving particles it contains)
What is the SI unit for energy?
- Joules (J)
- also can use KJ or MJ when measuring large amounts of energy
What is heat?
the amount of thermal energy transferred from an object at a higher temperature to an object at a lower temperature
What are the three ways of heat transfer?
1) Conduction
2) Convection
3) Radiation
What is conduction?
the transfer of thermal energy from one substance to another or within a solid by direct contact of particles
How does conduction transfer heat?
transfers heat from matter with a higher temperature and greater kinetic energy to matter with a lower temperature and lower kinetic energy
What are thermal conductors?
materials that transfer heat easily
What are insulators?
materials that do not transfer heat easily
What is convection?
the movement of a fluid caused by density differences
What are fluids?
substances in which the particles can flow freely
Name a difference between conduction and convection
convection transfers matter as well as heat
Give two examples of fluids
liquids and gases
Explain convection using the kinetic molecular theory
- as particles move faster and their kinetic energy increases, they move farther apart
- as the particles in a fluid move farther apart, the fluid expands and the density decreases
- if the mass of the sample stays the same but the volume increases then the density decreases
What is a convection current?
the movement of a fluid caused by density differences
How do convection currents form?
density differences cause warm fluid (low density) to move to cold
Name a similarity between conduction and convection
they both depend on the motion of particles
What is radiation?
the transfer of radiant energy by waves
What is electromagnetic radiation?
the transfer of energy by waves travelling outward in all directions from a source
What is radiant energy?
the energy carried by electromagnetic waves
What is infrared radiation?
heat radiation
What is solar radiation?
the transfer of radiant energy from the Sun
Where does Earth's interior thermal energy come from?
the core and the decay of some radioactive elements
What are properties of radiant energy?
- they can both travel where there are few particles of matter
- they both travel at the speed of light
- both travel only in straight lines
- can be reflected or absorbed by objects, and can be transmitted
What radiates heat?
any object with a temperature higher than absolute zero