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27 Cards in this Set

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Rival Causual factors

Variables other than X, are independent variable that my be responsible for the outcome, for example, history, maturation selection bias


a false relationship that can be explained away by other variables

Internal validity

Accuracy within the study itself

External Validity

Accuracy in the ability to generalize or infer findings fro a study to a larger population


Specific events other than the treatment that during the course of a study may be responsible for producing the results


Biological or physchological changes in the respondents during the course of a study that are not due to the treatment variable

Testing effects

pretest effects or bias that is introduced as a result of having been pretested. Testing effects may also invalidate the ability to generalize to larger populations


Changes in the measuring instrument during the course of a study that invalidate comparisons

Statistical Regression

Tendency of groups that have been selected for a study on the basis of extreme high or low scores to regress towards the mean on second testing

Selection Bias

Involves choosing non-equivalent groups for comparison

Experimental Mortality

Loss of subjects over the course of time

Selection maturation interaction

Combination of errors introduced by selection bias plus the differential maturation of groups.

Hawthorne effect

named for an experiment at the Hawthorne plant of western electric company. Subjects behave atypically if aware of being studied

Halo effect

observers bias; observers follow an initial tendency to rate certain objects or subjects in a biased manner

Double blind experiment

neither the subjects nor administration in an experiment know which group is reciving the treatment

Post hoc error

incorrect assumption that because one variable precedes another in time , it is the cause of the outcome

Placebo effect

tendancy of control groups to react to believed treatment in a positive manner

Multiple treatment interference

outcome produced by combinations of treatments it may be difficult to isolate the specific combination or combinations responsible


atypical or artificial behavior produced by respondents awareness of being studied

Testing effects

pretest effects or bias that is introduced as a result of having been pretested. Testing effects may also invalidate the ability to generalize to larger populations

Control Group

the group that is an experiment or study that does not receive treatment by the researchers and is then used as a benchmark to measure how the other test subjects did

pretest posttest

used to gauge the subjects going into the study and see if they have changed after the study

experimental mortality

loss of subjects over the course of time

control group

group not being tested. used as benchmark for tests/study

experimental group

the group that is being tested

dualistic fallacy

the idea that society is dividend into criminals and non criminals

time series designs



measures data at a given time over the course of the study

pro: able to gather data that is relevant at that particular time and have updated information good for official measurements like quarterly crime reports

con: constant updates could cause upsets in what appears to be trends in the data