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22 Cards in this Set

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What are the 2 parts of the nervous system?

1. The central nervous system

2. The peripheral nervous system

What does the central nervous system consist of?

1. The brain

2. The spinal cord

What are the functions of the central nervous system?

1. Coordinate messages from the peripheral nervous system.

2. Control involuntary responses.

3. Coordinate reflexes.

What does the peripheral nervous system consist of?

The peripheral nervous system consists of the nerves of the body which connect to the central nervous system.

What is a 'nerve'?

A nerve is a bundle of nerve fibres gathered together and wrapped in connective tissue sheaths.

What are the types of neuron the peripheral nervous system contains?

1. Motor neurons

2. Sensory neurons

What are the functions of the peripheral nervous system?

1. To relay signals from the central nervous system to the rest of the body.

2. It brings messages from the sensory organs.

3. It takes messages to the muscles and the extremeties.

What are the key parts of a neutron's structure?

1. The axon

2. The Schwann cells

3. The myelin sheath

4. The nodes of Ranvier

What is the axon of a neuron also known as?

The nerve fibre

What is the process that allows nerve impulses to be transmitted called?


What is myelin?

A fatty substance that insulates against electrical impulses.

What are the nodes of Ranvier?

The nodes of Ranvier are gaps in the myelin sheath sheath where electrical impulses can form.

What is the gap between the end of one neuron and the next called?

A synapse

What is secreted into the synapse to allow transmission of an impulse from one neuron to the next?


What is the role of the autonomic nervous system?

It regulates bodily functions, such as heart rate, digestion and respiratory rate.

What are the 2 parts of the autonomic system?

1. The sympathetic nervous system

2. The parasympathetic nervous system

Which system is associated with the 'fight or flight' response and which is linked to ' rest and digest'?

The sympathetic nervous system is linked to 'fight or flight', the parasympathetic nervous system is linked to'rest and digest'.

Parkinson's disease is caused by low levels of which neurotransmitter?


What are the 3 main symptoms of Parkinson's disease?

1. Tremors

2. Slow movements

3. Stiff and inflexible muscles

What are the main symptoms of dementia?

1. Memory loss

2. Delayed thoughts

3. Lack of understanding

4. Using incorrect or inappropriate language

In multiple sclerosis (MS) the individual's immune system attacks what?

The myelin sheath around the nerves in their brain and spinal cord.

What are the symptoms of multiple sclerosis?

Vision problems

Tingling and numbness

Pain and spasms

Weakness or fatigue

Balance/coordination problems or dizziness

Confusion and memory problems

Sexual dysfunction

Bladder/bowel issues

Problems speaking, swallowing and breathing