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24 Cards in this Set

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What are the parts of the female reproductive system?

1. The ovaries

2. The fallopian tubes

3. The uterus

4. The cervix

5. The vagina

What are the main functions of the ovaries?

1. To produce ova (eggs)

2. To secrete oestrogen and progesterone

In the ovaries, each ovum (egg) is surrounded by a single layer of what?

Follicle cells

What effect does oestrogen have on the uterine lining?

It causes it to thicken

When a follicle is mature it releases it's unfertilised egg. What is this process called?


After ovulation, what is the remainder of the follicle converted into?

A corpus luteum (a yellow body)

What does a corpus luteum secrete?

Oestrogen and progesterone

What is the process called where the lining of the uterus is shed?


How is an ovum (egg) transported down the fallopian tube?

By the action of the fallopian tube's cilia.

In which part of the system can the ovum become fertilised?

In the fallopian tube.

What is the name of the muscular layer of the uterus?

The myometrium

What is the inner layer of the uterus called?

The endometrium

What is a fertilised ovum known as?

A zygote

What is the cervix?

The cervix is a ring of muscle at the narrow end of the uterus that projects into the vagina.

What is the structure of the vagina?

It is a muscular tube capable of stretching.

What is endometriosis caused by?

By tissue outside the uterus behaving like the endometrium.

What are the symptoms and consequences of endometriosis?

1. Persistent exhaustion and tiredness

2. Discomfort when going to the toilet

3. Bleeding from the rectum/blood in the faeces

4. Pain in the lower abdomen, pelvis or lower back

5. Painful or heavy periods

6. Difficulty getting pregnant/infertility

How can endometriosis prevent pregnancy?

1. Blocks the fallopian tube so the sperm does not reach the egg.

2. Prevents the egg from adhering to the womb so it cannot develop.

3. Tissue grows in the uterus so the egg cannot implant.

4. Tissue grows on the ovaries preventing egg release.

In polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) what do the ovaries contain?

A large number of fluid filled sacs/follicles

What affect does polycystic ovary syndrome have on ovulation?

It causes ovulation to be irregular.

What are the main difficulties with polycystic ovary syndrome?

1. Difficulty getting pregnant

2. Difficulty with insulin control

3. Excessive weight gain

What type of birth has a head first presentation through the vagina?

Birth in the vertex position

In what type of birth do the legs and buttocks present first through the vagina?

Breech birth

What type of birth is through surgical incision in the mother's abdomen?

Caesarean birth